Dutifully obeying the "DU Four Paragraph Rule" in this post.
http://www.giulianipartners.com/1). Integrity
"Integrity requires carefully developing and upholding a set of inviolable beliefs. People of integrity are not inflexible, but their decisions are made in the context of strongly held values. Principled leaders must not only set a moral compass, but also effectively communicate a code of conduct to those they lead. They are obligated to remain faithful to their core convictions in order to demand and inspire the same in others."
2). Preparedness
3). Optimism
"Optimism in leadership is envisioning the best possible outcome for a situation and convincing the people around you to put forth their best effort in obtaining that outcome. The effectiveness of optimism plays on the human inclination to work toward an achievable goal. People believe in leaders who have strong convictions and confidence. The optimism of a leader directly contributes to an organization’s ability to succeed. Optimism, coupled with steadfast resolve, conveys a culture of confidence and helps organizations move successfully toward a common goal."
4). Communication
5). Courage
"Whether on a daily basis or in times of crisis, organizations look to their leaders for courage in the face of adversity. Courage is the strength to act on strong beliefs, whatever the risk. When leaders remain steadfast in their adherence to principles, regardless of professional jeopardy, they generate confidence, loyalty and respect from their peers, employees, and clients. In today’s business climate, executives must have the courage to enact corporate governance initiatives that curtail excess and uphold the interests of customers, shareholders and employees. Without bold leadership, companies suffer from a lack of effective management, stakeholder trust, and ultimately, profitability."
6). Accountability
"Accountability means measuring results throughout an organization and holding people responsible for their performance. The ability to measure performance accurately is critical to any organization looking to improve efficiency and ensure success. A system of measurement motivates employees and decision-makers alike. Accountability enables leaders to identify problems more effectively and make solutions pervasive throughout an organization."