When a team from the "old" NFL (including the Colts and Steelers) wins, the Stock Market invarriably goes up during the year. But when a team from the old AFL (including the Patriots) wins, it invarriably goes down during the ensuing year. The Panthers may win, but, though they're an NFC team, they are an "expansion" team--and so not an "original Old NFL" team. But if the Pats win...hmmm...:eyes:
Not sure what the corollary is for the presidential race and the Super Bowl, but, usually (except for 1980, and for the years FDR and the Yankees both won) when the National League team wins the World Series, the Democrat wins, and when the American League team wins, a Repub wins. So I'm pulling for the National League Champion to win the Series next fall..oh, yes, and the Panthers to win the Super Bowl!:bounce: