From Atrios; E&P gets feedback on the soldier's question to Rumsfeld. Support the troops!
Joe M. Richadson:
"The duped soldier should be put at the very front of the action, no armor. The cooperating sergeant's career should be over and maybe become MIA. Pitts and all his cronies should be executed as traitors. We are fighting a war, the debate is over, you’re either for us or against us, there is no middle ground. I say start executing the leftists in our country, soon." "duped" soldier IS at the front no armor, asshole. That was the fucking point, asshole.
It's fine to line up 59 million Americans and mass-grave them...but we had to take out Saddam Hussein (and 100,000 innocent civilians) for 14,000 Iraqis missing in the past decade and 5000 remains in Iraq's mass graves.
Good grief, rightwingnuts are sick MFers.