They can't see beyond their noses. They are THE most short-sighted creatures on the planet.
If the USA is rah rah rah The Greatest, then what the USA does is good enough for the world to do.
When US troops are captured, forget the Geneva Conventions; they're now "quaint". Sorry, troops, but the rightwingnuts don't give one shit about you.
Torture? Rape? Sodomy? Murder?
If it's good enough for America to do, it's good enough for everyone else to do.
Arresting US citizen tourists for being "terrorists", with no proof, locking them up with no lawyer, no jury, no trial? Sorry US citizens, better not ever go outside the USA.
If it's good enough for America to do, it's good enough for everyone else to do.
And remember, whenever the next world superpower decides to invade & occupy America; no fighting back or you'll be labelled "terrorists" and "anti-American forces". You must lick the boots of the invaders and toss only flower petals and chocolates, exactly as the rightwignnuts believe the world should do to American invaders & occupiers.
If it's good enough for America to do, it's good enough for everyone else to do.
At home:
The rightwingnuts, just as the Nazi Germans, think "good American Patriots" don't ask questions. We should all shut up & obey completely whatever bush-god tells us to do. No questions asked.
We should give bush-god 100% power & control over us, no questions asked. PA and PAII? No worries, bush-god would NEVER ABUSE his power over us. :eyes:
What the rightwingnuts never think about, even idiotically assuming bush-god is benign, is what happens when bush-god is no longer in power? What happens when it's a Dem president, like oh say HILLARY CLINTON.
Do the rightwingnuts still feel THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA should have total and complete power over us? Should THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA still be allowed to decide who's a "terrorist", no proof needed, no lawyers needed, no jury or trial needed? No matter who THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA happens to be in future???
Do the rightwingnuts give their OWN SPOUSE 100% power & control over them? Not likely, one would hope.
Then WHY the hell would ANYONE be so stupid as to give a TOTAL STRANGER total power over them?
You'd really have to be a stupid & ignorant short-sighted rightwingnut to do that.