Last week President Bush and his new Energy Secretary made it clear that one of their goals is to approve drilling in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). We all need to start writing letters to our Senators and Congressmen expressing our opposition to the drilling.
A few tips on writing to your representatives in Washington:
1. Write only to your reps. If the person you write to doesn't truly represent you then he/she will just ignore your letter. IE, don't write the reps from Alaska if you live in New York. They are under no obligation to even read your letter since you don't vote in their state.
2. In the first paragraph be sure to give your name, address and why you are writing. This is important because you need to establish very quickly that you live and vote in the representative's district/state (if it's a Senator). Also, you need to tell them very quickly what you are writing about, ie opposing drilling in ANWR. They don't have time to try to determine what you are writing about so you need to make it very clear at the beginning.
3. If possible, use personal stories to tell why you are in opposition to the bill. For example, you live in Texas and see what damage oil drilling does to the environment around the wells. Or maybe you run a travel agency and are concerned about the loss of a natural wilderness because of the negative effect it will have on your business. Use anything that makes it personal.
4. Try to keep it brief. One page is best but no more than two pages.
5. Personalize the letters. If the letter is obviously a form letter they will simply count it as a vote for or against whatever you are writing about. Personal letters have more of a chance of actually getting to your representative rather than being screened by an aide.
6. Don't load the letter down with facts or details. One or two key facts will help, but the rep has aides whose job it is to provide the representative with the facts and details of the problem so you don't really need to include a lot. They are more interested in your opinion and any personal stories related to your opinion.
I urge everyone to start writing letters now so that we get our message to the people who will vote on this before it's too late.