To prove your point, I find it interesting that when the Republicans and DLC types, talk about the noble working class, they are talking about white males. "Joe Sixpack", midwest farmers, NASCAR Dads, the guys who just want to grab their precious guns and do a little huntin', hard-workin' guys who just want a cold beer and a chance to watch the game after work. The "moderates" who love America and all it stands for. They are pictured as unread, uninformed, but the "salt of the earth". And, they're always white and mostly myth.
We are told that we must "reach out" to them. How? By appealing to their desires for that nice lily-white, ignorant, patriarchal world they supposedly crave. It is condescending and racist Bullshit.
Anyone ever notice that the "hardworking", "play by the rules", portrayed as noble, are always white? While, the black or hispanic, doing the same thing, are portrayed as "striving" to get ahead. The noble white males are supposedly content with their beer and sports, while the minorities are depicted as failures.
I was born working class. My father was a carpenter. I worked in a variety of low pay, hard work, jobs. Dishwasher, construction, mail carrier. There is nothing "noble" about hard labor. Even less noble is the romantic notion of "common sense" versus "elitest" education.
The truth is that most of the "working class" are stuck working in miserable jobs because they are under educated. Most of them would happily leave their noble hammers, shovels, plows, wrenches, behind, in a twinkling if they could.
So, do the Republicans or the DLC types say to them, "We'll offer you a better education, universal health care, more libraries, equality of pay with the bosses, job security and a way out? No. Instead they offer them guns, God, and the glamorization of their miserable jobs. The politicians romp around and pretend that they're just like them. They don overalls and jeans and muck around in the dirt and wander through factories and pretend their interested in what the poor sods are doing. Millionaires playing at being working class.
Don't believe it. Ask almost any working person if they want their kids to become a "hard working", "play by rules", etc, carpenter, ditch digger, soldier, fry cook, mail carrier, truck driver, or plumber's assistant.
And, race. Where do the calls for an end to Affimative Action, welfare, bi-lingual education, etc, receive the most response? From the white working class who have bought into the idea that they may be miserable but at least they're white.
It's the same rotten scam that returned the freed slaves to near-slavery after the civil war. The same scam that now makes "illegal aliens" easy targets. The same scam that gets working class white kids to join the military to fight "the enemy" who just happens to be non-white.
And, the same scam that keeps the greedy, wealthy, and powerful in power.