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Thoughts about Kerik and his Adorer - *

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No Mandate Here. Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-13-04 11:08 AM
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Thoughts about Kerik and his Adorer - *
Edited on Mon Dec-13-04 11:18 AM by No Mandate Here.
I just sent this LTTE to the NYTimes, and hope it sees the light of day. I have begun to get even more cynical about how * must view his subjects, now that he is the dictator. This episode may help others see this, as well...

To the Editor,

The disastrous nomination of Bernard Kerik for the very sensitive post of Homeland Security Director raises many more questions about the Bush administration than it does about Mr. Kerik.

The vetting process was handled by the current White House Counsel. Since progressive internet sites were able to come up with at least four or five very troubling revelations about Mr. Kerik's past in just a few days, just how thorough could the White House's vetting process be? Several of the problems would seem to be criminal in nature.

Am I the only one troubled by the fact that the vetting was done by the presumptive next Attorney General? Given how haphazardly the vetting must have been done, is Gonzales really a good choice for AG?

There are two outrageous possibilities here. If the vetting did not reveal these past problems with Kerik, are Gonzales and his subordinates competent to do their current and future jobs? If Kerik was fully vetted, and given a green light by the administration - even knowing just how much baggage Kerik was carrying, what does this tell us about how the American public is viewed by this administration? If this is the case, then this is unprecendented contempt of the American people.

Just how sheeplike does the Bush administration think we are? If this incident does not raise doubts about how the administration feels about its subjects (not all of whom are loyal to a fault), then we are truly in trouble as a democracy. If this doesn't raise alarms among the media, they will have shown themselves to be completely allied with the administration. Neither possibility would be good.
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aquart Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-13-04 11:14 AM
Response to Original message
1. Neither possibility would not be good.
You want to fix that.
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No Mandate Here. Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-13-04 11:18 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Thanks
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tk2kewl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-13-04 11:21 AM
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3. this is the point some one should be trying to push into MSM
Edited on Mon Dec-13-04 11:25 AM by tk2kewl

good job
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qanda Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-13-04 11:27 AM
Response to Original message
4. Good letter
And what's even more troubling to me is that the MSM has given Rudy an even bigger pass.
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UTUSN Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-13-04 12:12 PM
Response to Original message
5. You Nailed It - They Can't VET,Can't "Do" INTELLIGENCE
The Shrubbites have sold themselves to gullible Dittoheads on TWO main points: 1) That only they can make us secure, 2) that 9-11 confers automatic "heroism" (FREE PASS for anything) on anybody connected with it.

KERIK embodied, just as much as Shrub and GUILIANI, both of these pillars and just happened to collapse more obviously because of being unable to get out from underneath his baggage. The two pillars are made of sand.

What was "heroic" about Shrub-GUILIANI-KERIK at 9-11? They just happened to be in power when it happened. If anything, they should have reaped "finger-pointing". KERIK was stepping out of the shower when the planes hit and joined GUILIANI walking up some streets coated in powder. Shrub showed up days later with his cheerleading megaphone atop a pile of bodies, after days when the people were stunned by the absence of leadership. So much for "heroism".

But the Shrubbites have managed to doublespeak 9-11 into permission and adulation for anything, meaning their arrogance in acting like they can do anything they want. Leading to their sloppiness (arrogance) in screwing up the vetting on KERIK, which, by the way, was the poor performance of Alberto GONZALEZ's shop, another screw-up waiting to happen (GONZALEZ, that is).

This brings us back to "security". The Shrubbites can't VET for the same reason they can't manage "security": Because they only hear what they WANT to hear.
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The Judged Donating Member (613 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-13-04 12:30 PM
Response to Original message
6. Agreed. How can they be trusted when they don't want to know the truth?
How can Americans be well versed in multiple scandals involving Kerik, but the White House and Attorney General just take one of their cronies word for it on a Cabinet level appointee, without even conducting an covert background check on the candidate before offering him to hang himself and his Italian Rabbi (Gulianni) before the entire nation?

Either the President and his cronies are incompetent or purposefully chose to put Kerik in eternal hell on Earth in order >> to get out of paying back Gulianni for his hard work to re-elect the president, which was expected to pay off politically. <<

Further, it represents a strategy to take New York rather than earn it.

In the Diebold and ESS New World, why work to gather support from your allies or enemies, wen you can just tell them that you'll enforce their unverifiable vote to turn over their authority and power to you?
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Catchawave Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-13-04 12:56 PM
Response to Original message
7. Great letter,
I agree with all your concerns.
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No Mandate Here. Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-13-04 02:01 PM
Response to Original message
8. Thanks for the feedback
If the spirit so moves, please feel free to use any of it to wirte your own. I borrowed most of the ideas from blogging - the only place to truly find any real news. The rest is cheerleading.
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midnight armadillo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-13-04 02:46 PM
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9. It won't be published
Sorry, while it's a good letter in general it's not a good letter to the editor.

It's too long, and doesn't hit one idea squarely in the first few sentences.

LTTE should be SHORT and sweet. Check out the average length of 'em in any newspaper. The only way you get a long one is if you're a true expert on the subject or are replying to an article about you.

I have about a 30% success rate getting LTTE published in the Boston Globe, so I am not talking out my ass.
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No Mandate Here. Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-13-04 03:35 PM
Response to Reply #9
10. Edit it and send it to the Globe in your name.
Then tell us all from a tall tree. Thanks for the feedback. Which end should I thank?
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