First of all, I'm obviously disappointed, but it's far from over yet. As I was saying a month ago, if Kerry and Edwards are that good, let's see them actually win an election. Well, they did. An absolutely impressive showing.
Although Howard Dean and all of us must feel somewhat let down, this is what democracy is all about. I believe my candidate is the best and so do all of you. The press and pundits have their favorites. They buzz and bloviate and talk about the "big MO" and everybody gets their 15 minutes of fame.
Despite all of that the PEOPLE actually decide this thing. That is the beauty of it. That's why we're different from Republicans.
In 2000, Bush* was the choice of the corporate machine. This was obvious from the word Go. The honorable Republican just got smeared and creamed. No democracy there.
In 2000, Gore didn't have a big fight because he was our heir apparent. People got kinda bored with the whole thing. Gore got complacent, the press got stupid.
Nobody's going to call this Democratic nomination but the people. No kingmakers, no pundits, no news anchors. That feels good. Another thing, whoever wins, whether my candidate Howard Dean or another Democrat, will be incredibly tough and ready to beat Bush*.
Below is one of my favorite recent posts from Counterspin, earlier today:
from HORSE: Iowa continues to confound. It may be that Gov. Howard Dean, MD will come in as low as fourth in Iowa.
It may also be that, Gov. Howard Dean, MD has performed a medical miracle: He's performed a successful spine transplant on the Democratic candidates.
Essentially, Dean was a stalking horse for rank and file Democratic party anger at the national party for laying down on the job, and letting Bush get away with (metaphorical) murder.
He's also taken most of the bullets from the media and the Republicans. He's like a great fullback, taking out the middle linebacker to let the all-pro tailback spring through the line, and run to daylight.If Dean is as tough as I think he is, he will come back stronger than before. If not, at least he has shown the way. After 25 years in the wilderness (sorry, for me Clinton's corporate funded campaigns count as partial wilderness), Howard Dean, Joe Trippi and the "Deaniacs" have shown that we can be proud to stand up as liberals and Democrats.
To any Democratic candidate who wins the nomination, you have my full physical and financial support. To all Dean supporters, keep the faith. You are right. To all other Democrats, may the best candidate win and let's give the BFEE hell!