Dear Chris Matthews, Mike Wallace, and all the rest of you:
Look in the fucking mirror.
That's who to blame as to why idiot son won, and Kerry didn't.
You hypocritical lying asses.
Another show I don't bother to watch anymore-60 minutes has ended up being cowards with the rest of them.
Sibel Edmonds update piece was delayed and delayed-it sure would have been relevant during the 9/11 hearings.
Iraq piece on the infamous buying of yellowcake was delayed because it "might influence an election."
If any of you had bothered to do your jobs, and dared to risk those cushy perks and enmorous salaries maybe the commander in chief would be on his way to actually being a competent one.
And I can bet your son or daughter is never going to be in any danger of being sent to Iraq. Oh why? They have the best education money can buy and can find another job, heh? Congratulations. You are cowards.
Look in the fucking mirror.
Leave Kerry the fuck alone, you are a bunch of cowards.