but my best guess is that it works from a psychological phenomenon called "projection."
So they set "moral standards" up for themselves, and they fail to reach them, because they're humans, and they're really no better than any random human -- but they react poorly to this failure, which leads them to two basic perversions: 1. As a result of repression, they become obsessed with a behavior, and therefore continue to seek it out. This can be explained easily in the relationship between myself and a two-layer, dark chocolate cake.
The second one is projection: this is where we come in. As they subscribe to a black-and-white worldview -- this usually means that there is tension in their world between the "good object" and the "bad object" MEANING that the good object is virtue and the bad is libertinism. As they continue to fail, however, these states become ultra-polarized, and they begin to develop self-hatred for their failures -- BUT, rather than accept this -- they PROJECT IT, onto a scapegoat -- liberals. It's much like homophobia and latent homosexuality, which IS, psychologically, a sound correlation, though it is not true in all cases.
This explains a lot of the Orwell-GOP stuff, and why they seem to totally have no problem blaming us for being "angry" or "attacking them," -- when it is obvious to us, the rest of the world, and any educated person who isn't a neocon, that their transgressions in this area are FAR more egregious.
Of course, you attempt to tell them this, and they say some shit about psychobabble, and how they can drive a backhoe and you can't change a light bulb.