...or secret plan by the Kerry campaign. I know many people here are convinced otherwise, and time will tell, but I am about as certain as certain can be that it all ended for him on November 3rd.
When Kerry conceded, he meant it. His team does not believe there are enough votes in Ohio or anywhere else to make Kerry the next President. I don't see how it could be any more clear.
"He wasn't asked about recounts or Kerry's letter in support asking for an examination of the ballots."
This was never the big deal it was made out to be. The Kerry campaign is covering their bases, as well they should, but it's pretty clear they don't expect to find anything significant. I also suspect this action may have doubled as a sop to those whom are very concerned about voting reform and possible fraud. Kerry doesn't want to alienate part of his activist base, and is aware that by doing absolutely nothing that he may do just that. The Kerry campaign also knows full well that the Arnebeck filing will be dismissed by the Ohio Supreme Court, every serious legal expert is aware of this, so his team knows this angle is a deadend as well.
"Was it a message to us that nothing will be done further about recounts?"
Sometimes a TV interview is just a TV interview. I doubt seriously if there is any hidden message. If the Kerry campaign had something to say, they'd say it.
"Or, was it Kerry asking his brother to appear so that he keeps his visibility out there but that he refused to discuss the recounts with her in a prior agreement before his appearance because Kerry wants his efforts to be kept quiet?"
If Kerry is pursuing some steath strategy it sure is dumb. Waiting a few days to see how things shake out and get a grasp on the situation facing him, maybe - waiting until the electors cast for Bush and essentially make him President, stupid. The simple fact is, Kerry believes he lost and that is why he conceded. Unless real proof of fraud is uncovered that could alter the balance in Ohio or some other major states, this election is over.