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Who is going to be the "traitor" now that Lieberman has turned down both

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patricia92243 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-15-04 12:14 PM
Original message
Who is going to be the "traitor" now that Lieberman has turned down both
positions that were offered to him?

Tim Russert admitted that Bush was looking for a Democratic Senator from a state that is governed by a Republican. Then that governor could appoint a Republican senator in his place. Russert said that Bush was trying to make the senate "filerbuster-proof".

I feel like somebody will give in and take the offered "carrot on a stick", but I'm not sure who.

Any suggestions?
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hlthe2b Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-15-04 12:17 PM
Response to Original message
1. So very obvious.... I do hope there are no takers...
Edited on Wed Dec-15-04 12:18 PM by hlthe2b
Clearly if he went to the House, we might have a different situation, but I think for most Senators--the Senate is a better "gig" than playing toady to Bush's* horrendous policies.
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patricia92243 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-15-04 12:21 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. I also hope there are not any takers, but just for arguments sake - if
Edited on Wed Dec-15-04 12:23 PM by patricia92243
there is a taker - who would it be. I really don't know enough about it to make a very educated guess. But, I do know it will be bad news to us.

Bush would not be making the offer if he didn't think someone will take him up on it.
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hlthe2b Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-15-04 12:40 PM
Response to Reply #3
5. Bush/Rove have nothing to lose by trying...
Edited on Wed Dec-15-04 01:04 PM by hlthe2b
They get "credit" for supposedly reaching out across the aisle, even though we all know damned well what their true motivation is.

I don't know another Dem Senator besides Zell Miller (now gone) and Lieberman (who fortunately declined) who would be likely to entertain the offer. I could certainly be wrong.

On edit, I didn't mean the "who of any potential acceptees was obvious," but rather the attempt by Rove et al to gain a Senatorial seat by offering this position to a Dem is obvious.
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fertilizeonarbusto Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-15-04 12:19 PM
Response to Original message
2. I think no one will
They know the wrath of the party will be awful. * better get another of his poodles to take the job.
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proud patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-15-04 12:22 PM
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4. it better not be Feinstein
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NoPasaran Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-15-04 01:35 PM
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6. Anyone who isn't a bushbot would have to be insane
Edited on Wed Dec-15-04 01:35 PM by NoPasaran
Anyone who isn't a bushbot would have to be insane to take a seat in the Cabinet since in his first term already B* made it clear that he makes all his decisions on a conference call with Jeebus and can't be bothered with discussions of policy. Even after turning Colin Powell into a pod person, he still wasn't enough of a policy eunich to escape being purged and replaced with the Lizard Lady.
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lojasmo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-15-04 02:01 PM
Response to Original message
7. Hmmmm....
Edited on Wed Dec-15-04 02:02 PM by lojasmo
Pellosi or Reid would be okay in my book.
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