I was checking around for old threads on social security and found this one where illegal immigrants are being charged for social security on their paychecks and it was determined that social security has collected about $376 billion from these immigrants and I assume this figure is rising as I type.
So how can they say social security is on the brink of bankruptcy??
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=102x788209http://www.mercurynews.com/mld/mercurynews/news/breakin... MEXICO CITY - For the 14 years he worked as an undocumented migrant in the United States, Carmelo Rivera saw up to $30 deducted each week from the $300 to $500 he earned as a vineyard worker. The deductions were supposed to pay for his retirement.
But like millions of other Mexicans who worked under false Social Security numbers, he's unlikely ever to see a penny of it.
In fact, if a group of U.S. Congressmen has their way, undocumented migrants would be permanently barred from ever seeking to reclaim tens of billions they paid into Social Security. Instead, the money will go to fund American citizens' retirement.
Neither migrants nor their government appear to be fighting the issue, despite what's at stake: a little-known Social Security account called the "earnings suspense file," which grows at a rate of about $6 billion a year and now stands at about $376 billion.
Edited to add content from link