primarily because we don't seem to have one. Or we do, but it's poorly articulated/too hard to articulate. Or we have a number of them, several of which directly compete with each other. At any rate, ask ten of those coveted swing voters in flyover country what the Democratic vision is and I'll bet you'll get ten different answers, seven of which are neatly articulated by the Republicans.
Style and substance both count. I suggest a succinct, ten-point mini-platform, much like the Contract on America except realistic and helpful. I think we need to think big thoughts again and, since we're pretty much completely powerless, this is our chance to do so. We have nothing to lose except the need to choose which hard-fought gains to attempt to save through filibuster and which to allow to wither and die.
I would like to see this presented to the media on Inauguration Day next month. That won't happen, but if we don't come out fighting, what's the point of being here at all?
Can we do this? Folks complain about the griping on DU about the party, so I'm hoping to see lots of them adding to the ideas here. As a working structure, we might consider the following general "themes" on which to hang some well-articulated, progressive specificities:
- education - class/poverty - foreign policy/terror issues - jobs/economy - environment - energy - civil liberties - social security - 2nd amendment issues - veterans/the military
I'm hoping for something other than links to the Dem platform. Anyone?