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sarahlee (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Thu Dec-16-04 02:12 AM Original message |
This Week in Fascism! Midweek Edition |
Links active at the Kos... I still think we should start something like this in the Demopedia. I am just getting ready to go on the road for 2 weeks so can't do it myself.
================================= http://www.dailykos.com/story/2004/12/15/223645/28 I want everyone to understand that America will probably not become another Nazi state, but I do believe we are well on our way to a Corporate Nationalistic Anti-Communistic state that is akin to 1930's Germany and Italy. Zeke I suggested the term falangism which is well covered in Hobson`s Choice from 7-10-2003 by James R. MacLean. It is not my belief to try to analyze the validity or worth of these diaries, just to categorize and assemble them to allow a hopefully well recommended (hint! hint!) diary as a list for these other diaries that slip past too fast to get the proper hearing and respect ---- F.Y.I. 1487 Diaries on DailyKos for week ending 12-11-04 176 Dairies Included in "This week in Fascism" week 1 665 Dairies from 12-12 thru 12-14 102 Diaries listed in "This week in Fascism" midweek edition Excellent Articles for further research 14 signs of a fascist society from Free Inquiry Magazine March/April 2003 (volume 23 # 2). This is a short outline of indicators The Rise of Pseudo Fascism by Dave Neiwert (orcinus). Dave did a seven part series on this issue. Here are some excellent diaries that Henry David and spirited reminded me were still in Kos's, thankfully huge, archives Fascism, American Style: Anticipating the Trends by bionicKitty. Kitty shows us some interesting points and there is a long discussion with some excellent points and links. Fascism arrives in America: the Elephant in the Bathtub by Black Maned Pensator. This is a sermon from U.U.C. pastor Davidson Loehr titled "Living Under Fascism" that I read during my research prior to starting the Diary. A MUST READ. Nascent Fascism: Are We in Stage One? by lightiris. Lightiris does some very good work analyzing where we are on the road to a Fascist State. Nazis and U.S. Politics by NeoLotus. NeoLotus does an excellent job of describing Hitler's rise to power with emphasis on its significance for today. Newsie8200 has also produced a compilation Blog that is Media News Monday!. Oldschoolpundit makes The Daily Pundit: A Diary of Today's News 12/13/04 another good review. I will use the 14 points from the Free Inquiry Magazine as the outline for the referenced Diaries. I cannot place blame for all the items listed here to any one group. I believe certain individuals and groups support individual items and ignore or are apathetic toward other items. This allows the countries move toward fascism to proceed at an accelerated pace. 1. Powerful and continuing expression of nationalism. Under this heading if I only mentioned Rush, Sean, Bill O, Savage, and our favorite felons Ollie and G. Gordon I would not have to present any more evidence that our country is becoming dangerously nationalistic. But I also will include such things as Ignoring treaty obligations, distain for other countries and cultures, fear mongering, and others items that place nationalism over our other obligations. U.S taps UN nuclear inspector's phone by Plutonium Page. Guess what? Our government knows no bounds. Bush's Blame Game by elveta. Remember der President never made any mistakes so everyone else must have. Jerome Corsi's (swiftliar) Next Mission by Mike S. The liar is telling us to go to another war and the RWCM is trumpeting the word. America Declares War On Europe (well not quite) It's not 1935 by sfgary. A discussion of where Kossacks think we stand . Defining Evil: The Nature of the Bush Administration by grannyhelen. I love Granny's posts, but I am sure the problem of Fascism goes much further than the Bush Administation. A good discussion. of neocons and nazis...a reasoned comparison by Liberation Learning. A very good comparison discussion that never once mentions draft (except in the picture). A new day dawns for LL. 2. Disdain for the importance of human rights. Civil Rights are a hot topic here at Dkos. I intend to list those Diaries that emphasis the U.S. committing, ignoring, or, hopefully, recognizing Civil Rights. Violation of Civil Rights: by jaywillie. We may not get an indictment on election fraud but civi rights violations can send someone to jail. A Look at Gitmo's Kangaroo Court by Dump Terry McAuliffe. When the court requires you to defend yourself, who are the fools. A must see. NIH researcher rewrote AIDS drug safety report by Plutonium Page. Another great piece from Page. It doesn't matter how much they lie as long as they get what they want (money and proper framing). 3. Identification of enemies/scapegoats as a unifying cause. We shall see many examples of people or groups used as scapegoats to push certain agenda's, increase fear, justify racism, justify nationalism, and exhort divisiveness. I believe many of the issue's in our modern form of scapegoats are directed at Gay's, Liberal's, and those that stand up for minority rights. Christian conservatives compare liberals to terrorists! by anoodle. This is a legislator saying liberals are leading the country to a crash. I thought der President was. `Liberals=al Qaeda' Quote of the Day by jomiller. The money quote from jomiller is "PEOPLE WHO PREFER SCIENCE TO SUPERSTITION = LIBERALS = 9-11 HIJACKERS" Need more proof that O'Reilly is an idiot? by Madden 11. We knew that years ago, but I hope the what's left of the media can pick up on this. How long have we been dissidents? by kismet. Next we will be Insurgents for fighting for our beliefs. 4. The supremacy of the military/avid militarism. It is all too apparent that we have achieved this goal, but this point needs to be emphasized as well. How many US soldiers have really died in Iraq? by deafmetal. Learn the truth and tell others. It's important. 10 reasons to fear the draft by Liberation Learning. This is a very well prepared Diary on the possibility of a Draft. A must see. Who will speak for you? by NeoLotus. A very well researched atricle with good references that needs much mor attention. Iraq War Grief Daily Witness (photo) Day 12 by RubDMC. I included this picture here where other pic's usually fall under "Human Rights" Just In: Reserve's Top General warns of draft again by Liberation Learning. News from earlier in the week that deserves our attention. Oh, MOMMMA (The Make Our Military More Manly Act) by houndcat. A look at where our military budget stands with a satirical (I hope) solution The Ghetto of Varsov.. err.. Fallujah by lawnorder. Straight out of 1984. Orwell would be so proud after turning over in his grave. Presidential Medal of Freedom to Commit War Blunders by lawnorder. Doesn't this remind us more and more that were getting closer to Nazism and not just Fascism. 5. Rampant Sexism. Some suggest we are not using sexism as was done in previous Corporate Nationalistic movements, but I will try to find any examples that I can. We must remember that Fascism takes on different forms. On the whole this is a bright spot due to the activism of the feministic majority. 6. A controlled mass media. Many would argue that our Media is not controlled in the sense of the Nazi Propaganda Machine, but I hope you see by the examples listed that even if it is not controlled it is at least coerced to the point where Government Propaganda is the final say in any argument no matter what facts exist to the contrary. I also hope to show examples where our media is failing to due its job as the watchdog of the government. In many instances they have become the lapdogs of the government. When our Government creates the "Office of Strategic Information" and then disbands it while saying that its mission can be spread out. I believe they just closed the office but let the mission continue as to not be blatant propagandists. The people are still doing the same job. Media Econ/poli sci 101: Why the public gets the shaft by k9disc. Or why the RWCM doesn't care about telling the truth. War Against MoveOn continues by jimdscott. The Media fears a true Grass Roots movement. Bush failures warrant anti-Clinton coverage by IseFire. "Bush fouls up--with national security at stake--and the media attacks...Bill Clinton! Pentagon Weighs Use of Deception in a Broad Arena by agincour. "Truth is lying; lying is truth. In the "new' real world the Pentagon should be a withering appendage not the source of disease. Mainstream Media Republican Pawns on Social Security by Descrates. "Social Security is not remotely in trouble, it's solvent at least until 2042", but read what the media has to say. Pentagon considers PsyOps on civilians by up2date. "Quite clearly, the Pentagon has been using some level of PsyOps on civilians both here and abroad for some time. CBS, CNN have biased reporting on Social Security -- POLL by Eternal Hope."CBS and CNN are reporting inaccurate information on the Social Security "crisis" manufactured by the Republicans to promote their privatization plan. A very good discusion. The Goebbels Diaries - The Dull and Tired Press and the Weakness of Diplomacy by youngblood kaufman. These quotes from Goebbels deserve our attention. "He who fails to learn from history is bound to repeat the errors thereof" or something like that. Today's test question is implied here. Lies, damn lies, the media, and the Iraq Body Count by Troutfishing.All the death's that are related to our presense are on our head. No invasion means no insurgency therefore even insurgents killings are on our hands. Gary Webb, ¡Presente! by peace voter. This list's multiple Diaries devoted to Gary Webb plus a lot more! A real crusader for the cause. Thanks for censoring my satellite tv, Mr. Ailes: @!$%!! by molls. This is the smoking Howitzer. It seems the Corporate media doesn't want us to watch what we arent supposed too. Them fereners just cause trouble with their independent newsies. Independent from our RWCM that is. 7. Obsession with national security. I hope to make it apparent to any observer that we have decided our National Security is more important than that of any other person, nation, region, etc. I believe one of the most important signs comes from our country giving up the things that make it unique in order to make us save. National ID cards a possiblity - McCain by spiderleaf. "Why is it the Dems aren't the ones bringing this up? Why do we cowtow to every Repug effort to curtail our civil liberties? Zarkawi Planning Larger Attack Than 9/11 by eastindy. "Just when will the US start winning the war on terrorism. Re-Frame national security. Own national security by Lucian. A very good article on what is really national security. Preventive Warriors - Must See Documentary by gianik. Must see with links to Democracy Now" report. WaPo: Police suspect 11 year old boy of supporting terrorists by Mike from NJ. Can anyone find where people hid their views from their children to keep the Nazi's from finding out? 8. Religion and ruling elite are tied together. The previous election was the culmination of the "Religious Rights" 30+ year attempt to make this country fit their model of a "Christian Nation". From history we see that the Christian Nations were some of the worst offenders of all times. See the Later Roman Republics, The Crusades, The Spanish Inquisition, Nazi Germany, and Fascist Italy as some prime examples. There are those that believe that since the overwhelming majority of our citizens are Christian that we should ignore those who do not believe in the same way. I believe our Constitution, our Bill of Rights and especially our First Amendment were designed to prevent exactly what is happening today. Thousands of Christian soldiers (straight ones)... by gttim. "I can certainly understand the pastor's desire to raise the plight of the African American, but does he have to do it by pushing down the gay community? Isn't this just what whites in the south did for years, try to raise their plights by pushing down the black man? Declaration of Independence (not) banned in Cupertino, California! by jimdscott. "The big, and fraudluent, complaint from the right is that the school district has barred the teaching of the Declaration of Independence. In fact, the school district has merely barred one teacher from distributing one version of the Declaration, which he has edited down to three paragraphs emphasizing God. The Goebbels Diaries - Camouflaging Our Policies by youngblood kaufman. Know thy enemy! Please read all these Daily entries, Click on youngblood kaufman to find them. We Should Be Calling Them Neo Christians by eastindy. This is based on a Web Exclusive interview of Jimmy Carter who IMNSHO was the best man to ever sit in the White House. Sorrry I missed it from Last week. Thanks eastindy for reminding me. 9. Power of corporation's protected. We have designed corporations so that personal accountability is almost nonexistent. We have allowed corporations a free hand in formulating the laws that govern them. We have catered to the needs of the corporations to the point were healthy corporations are more important than just about everything else. Newsweek: Viktor Bout worked for KBR in Iraq by daria g. The notorious arms trafficker Viktor Bout was actually working for Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg, Brown, and Root. Disney and "Farenheit 9/11": An object lesson in the corporate media by PhillipG. "Now is it any wonder that ABC participated in the corporate media blackout of news? 10. Power of labor suppressed or eliminated. This goes right along with corporate power. Fascism was created by Mussolini as the antithesis to Communism to the extent that the companies were more important to national health than were the rights of the people. Steroids craziness is to tarnish unions by Ptolemy."It's not about race. It's not really about distracting us. It's about the Unions. Union ads rejected by media by ihlin. "Maybe the days of the penny-partisan press were better for our democracy. Union Busting For Dummies by Trapper John. The New York Times is giving lessons. Read under "know thy enemy". Salvation Army Union Busting by bonobo. Wal-mart may allow S/A Bell Ringers but take steps to make sure no Unions involved. 11. Disdain and suppression of intellectuals and the arts. We can see that Intellectuals have become a feared group within our culture. They seem to fear reforms which tend to be generated by individuals who think of better ways to provide for the general welfare of the planet and its people. They fear the Artists whom they believe are trying to destroy their culture. Media and the Politics of Queer Representation by MAJeff. "Atlanta Police shut down a bar that was showing the hit musical Naked Boys Singing. BROWN SHIRTS REVISITED: Last Home of the Liberals by cinnamon68. "There is something that we can do to counteract the freeper world. `chimp' painting of Bush removed from exhibition by Shashalnikya. Looks like only approved dipictions of der President will be allowed. 12. Obsession with crime and punishment. Our country seems to be a contradiction in that how can the freest people in the world have the world's largest percentage of imprisoned citizens? We also have the most massive and restrictive set of laws than any other country. Just look at how much emphasis our "news organization" applies to Kobe, Michael, Scott, Robert etc. Texas Killed An Innocent Man by WaitingForLefty. I am an outraged Texan again. When the State killed Christ that should have been enough. He died for the sin of others so let him pay the punishment. That's what God did. Peterson Coverage: Does Our Culture Value Life? by Supercontext. I prefer to change the channel whenever this comes up. But this fit's the category. The Goebbels Diaries - Whom Justice Must Serve by youngblood kaufman. "I made clear that Justice has the task, especially during war, to serve the leaders of the people and not vice versa. 13. Rampant cronyism and corruption. It seems that loyalty is rewarded more than competence. This has been a good week for this section. And it's only half over. Yea! Cough cough! Schwarzenneger Proposes Re-Districting California! by pontificator. "Listen up blue staters, and this includes my fellow New Yorkers: never, never, never, never elect a Republican. Josh Marshall Rips into Gonzales, Kerik, Bush...fun! by lowkell. Josh Marshall is having a field day ripping into Alberto Gonzalez and the Bush White House in general. The Goebbels Diaries - The Anxiety of the People by youngblood kaufman. "The...people ought not to do any gripping. They still have a standard of living that is impossible in any other country. Ding! Ring any bells? Key Personnel Turnover Rate at FBI Endangers Mission by lapin. "The top agency staff have become engaged in a continuous game of musical chairs. How is that for a patriot? by IreneNC. "There is very little information on what happened in Iraq and why Kerik left as soon as he, but this looks like a good explanation. U decide: What would DQ a potential Bush Cab. Nominee? by A Ball of Lint. Made me wonder: what is a disqualifying offense in the Bush book? New HHS Head to `Cut Programs` by StevetheWeave. After the job he did on the environment would you expect any less. Actually I expect a lot less. The Big One about to blow? by aleand. We can certainly hope it blows. I have Reed on top of my "he may be the anti-Christ" list. Triad GSI: The Rapp Family Delivers Ohio Recount for Bush? by wanderindiana. This includes the text of david Cobbs testimony with a link to Triad. A must see. Secretaries of State and Elections by jalbert. Nowhere in the world does anyone legitimately alow partisan hacks to be in charge on the election. We condemn countries for this. FBI Managers Fleeing Agency by Goldfish. I guess there are some who fail to swear loyalty to der President. Ex-Bush Campaign Official Pleads in Vote Suppression Case by peace voter. "Charges that he took part in the jamming of the Democrats' get-out-the-vote phone lines on Election Day. CIA Knew There Were No WMD, Says Agent by WaitingForLefty. "The truth is out there" Invade the Wrong Country - Get the Medal of Freedom by nightsweat. Um... Um.... "Duh" Process Stories II: Deepening Santorum Scandal Action Items by Kagro X. This is the best piece I have seen on the "Santorum" issue. Do a find for "neighbor" and "sister" and find out who were interviewed by the "press". Surprise: UN finds corruption in US handling of Iraqi Oil by Descrates. We better hurry and get rid of the U.N. then we can keep reporters away from them. 14. Fraudulent elections. This election seemed to emphasize that election fraud has always existed in this country. We hope that there is less organized and massive fraud then many people are assuming. I will use this section to point to reported instances of election fraud. Exit poll server computer crashes for 2 hours then Bush wins by lawnorder. "Those 2 hours offline would be the perfect opportunity / cover, to manufacture data and hide evidence!!! New Study: More Absentee Votes than Voters in Ohio by wanderindiana. "Certified absentee votes were counted without registered voters to back them up. Fitrakis Details Affadavits in Ohio Election Lawsuit by wanderindiana. "Detailing some of the affadavits that are being filed by Cliff Arnebeck in Ohio today. Clint Curtis' "show stopper" testimony causes "gasps" at hearing by Spiral Stairs. " What happened? This happened. New Mexico Recount by glitterscale. "But knowing all the shenanigans that have gone on with voting, why are the dems dragging their feet? Witness Says Voting Company Tampered With Machines by sixmoreweeks. "A representative of Triad Systems enter the Columbus Board of Elections unannounced and tamper with a vote tabulator which then lost all data. Republicans Threaten Violence in Washington State by msaroff. "Republicans are now "absolutely convinced that King County is trying to steal this election. Arnebeck Suit Released plus more. by pronin2. Some good links to the suit that is finally filed. There is hope! Here are some articles on a way to fight back. I wish to apologize to those who had great idea's that mised my fist installment. I was on Thursday's research before I decided to include this section. I have noticed a lot more of these opportunities and methods since I started paying more attention to finding them. It is definitely a good sign and gives hope that it is not too late. UCC Credits dKos by Frederick Clarkson. "Crediting pastordan's diary with helping jumpstart the campaign. Make a Difference to An Innocent Iraqi Today by Aethern. "I am happy to report that there is something very real that I (and hopefully some of you as well) can do to help those Iraqis. Waging a Democratic Information War by Descrates. "The Republicans, therefore, have been forced to skew the political discourse in their favor, and they have been wildly effective at it. LL: I Moved My $100, Did You? by LeftyLimblog. "I want to draw attention to this, A broader agenda by jre. "We all have a lot of work to do. Congressman Jim McGovern's (D-MA) Advice to Dems by lightiris. "the Democratic Party needs to use its grassroots. Operation: Red Alert - Join the Resistance by Aethern. "We have only just begun, and early reports from members of OpRA have been encouraging. Conyers Hearing, Kerry Letter and Arnebeck Lawsuit - MSM - BLAST ALL! by tommcintyre. "So we all need to take positive action now - today! Who Are We? National Identity and National Interest by LoganFerree. "It seems to me that the Democratic Party needs to work out our answers to these questions. PLEASE HELP: Right wing threats and media silence/complicity by eriposte. "The reason you have to act. Making Community (Long) by Devilstower. "Why both meetup and dailyKos are much more important than you think. Stop the Parents Television Council by bigskiphazzy. "If an online community dedicated to "political analysis and other daily rants on the state of the nation" can wage a decent counter email program than, really, what can we do? What can we do about the Ohio election? An instant book? by candice. "Too many people don't know anything about what has happened. My sons and I excercised our civil rights Sunday by k9disc. "I traveled to the Capitol in DC to excercise our civil liberties and to ensure the integrity of our elections. The 13 Rules of Tactics by Dancing Larry. "A lot of us now are emerging from the immediate post-election horror/anger/depression and getting ready. Sunshine Week...March Is For The Freedom Of Information! by freelixir. We must be able to determine what our Government is doing if we are going to have a chance of stopping this country from becoming what we fear it is becoming. ================== The Diaries listed here are not endorsed by this Diarist but are listed to allow you, the reader, to make your own determinations as to the extent in which this country has taken the wrong road toward fascism. Each week I hope to use your inputs to improve the basic arguments for my contention that this country is going along that road. I also hope that through identifying the path methods can be found to bring this to the attention of others and change our path before it is too late. |
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Up2Late (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Thu Dec-16-04 02:43 AM Response to Original message |
1. Fascism by Merriam-Webster |
:eyes:fascism (noun)
a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race and stands for a centralized autocratic often militaristic government Sounds like George Bush's Amerika to me :evilgrin: |
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sarahlee (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore | Thu Dec-16-04 04:00 AM Response to Reply #1 |
2. I agree |
but note how people stay away from the subject?
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DU AdBot (1000+ posts) | Sun Jan 05th 2025, 12:35 AM Response to Original message |
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