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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion: Presidential (Through Nov 2009) Donate to DU
hangloose Donating Member (554 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-16-04 02:37 AM
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now, however I have clarity. Clarity of action. Clarity of purpose.

Since I have now found clarity I can offer some advice to others who may feel as I have felt (overwhelmed) that with so many important issues are before us, where do I start? how do I begin? what do I do?

Well you sit down and decide you cannot tackle all the worlds problems, yourself. You have to choose. So make a list. Decide what the top 5 issues are, that are most important to YOU!

Then pick one and dedicate your self to becoming a expert on this subject. Gather information, be passionate, get involved, make a difference.

Take your new found passion and knowledge and instill your Passion into others by what ever method you can. Speak to your friends, peers, acquaintances, people you meet in bars and on planes, in schools and in line while your waiting at the bank. Talk to them transfer your knowledge, your concerns, your wisdom. Make them believers. Transform them into activists or just make them aware.

Don't immobilize yourself by being overwhelmed. Pick one thing and make a difference and you know what? YOU WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

It up to individual Americans to save our way of life, individually we can make a difference. We are a force of one.

For me I have decided to fight vote fraud, I am going to DC on 6 January. I am going to be seen and heard. I am going to make a difference.

How about you?
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Indiana_Dem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-16-04 03:15 AM
Response to Original message
1. Here's what I'm going to do:
1. Attempt to buy everything "blue" I can and boycott everything "red" I can.

2. Work in my community to bring to reality a vision of self-sustainance like a community garden, possibly a co-op, also learning self-sustainance skills that will help the environment like beekeeping and gardening for myself.

3. Work on my representatives for issues like healthcare, environmental/energy, Social Security legislation.

4. Remain as precinct chairman for my precinct and work the polls during elections to make sure voter fraud and suppression doesn't happen in my precinct.

That's all I can come up with right now.....
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Sugarbleus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-16-04 03:34 AM
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2. Wow, you've just stated very succinctly what I believe and
have been posting in here for days. To wit: There are way too many problems for all of us to focus on only one. Many of you are working on the vote fraud thingy. :thumbsup: I'm focusing on civil issues: SSI "reform", housing, wages, jobs, healthcare, disability issues ...things of this nature.

My current passion is HOUSING. "They" tell us homeownership is up. I say bullshit. We have a housing crisis!! I believe it is a RIGHT for human beings to be sheltered, if they want it or need it.

Our own Govenor is trying to abolish on the job lunchtime breaks, fercrissakes!

Other folks may be interested in getting us the hell out of Iraq. Others perhaps may take on the congress and the patriot act etc...

GREAT, CLEAR ADVICE you've given!! KUDOS to you :toast:
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