Finally a concept worth investing in! Take a look at the picture and the open letter below:
PDA in Solidarity with Other Progressive Leaders
PDA wants to thank Independent Progressive Politics Network (IPPN - gathering a broad spectrum of progressives together in Washington, D.C. It was inspirational to see people representing different aspects of the broad progressive movement working together and finding consensus. PDA was pleased to find we shared many core values, and are excited about the upcoming Winter Campaign aimed at our common goal of working to defend our democracy. The representatives of PDA were honored and privileged to be a part of that process. We look forward to working together to push forward the common areas of our individual agendas.

Back row, from left: Kevin Spidel (PDA), Joel Segal (Rep. Conyers Staff), David Cobb (Green Presidential candidate), Alysia Fischer (PDA), Pat Lamarche (Green VP candidate). Front row, from left: Gael Murphy (Code Pink), Tim Carpenter (PDA), Medea Benjamin (Code Pink and Global Exchange).
And out of that weekend of work in solidarity, we (PDA) pushed for a Cobb testimony in the hearings and got it. The result was this open letter that humbled us: is time that the progressive community work coordinated liek this on the ISSUES! It is time we truely begin to walk the talk of solidarity with our brothers and sisters in the progressive movement. I wanted to share this all with you to let it be known... it IS indeed possable!