Well, Decision 2004 has been decided and the illegit president wins with a 51% margin (that is according to the machines). One of the reasons that could have propelled him over the top was the abortion issue. It tends to be a very sensitive issue, turning even McGovern Democrats into red dog republicans. It has made many people in the South and Great Plains vote against their own economic interests.
But, does the Republican party really care about abortion.
In the election following Roe V. Wade, which was in 1976, the abortion issue was rarely or never mentioned. Jimmy Carter had never really established himself either way and he still won the South. Then of course came Reagan, an abortion foe, who brought it center stage. He was the president who saw the pro-life movement grow.
As much as Reagan talked the talk about being pro-life, did he even do anything about it.
Although he did tap Scarface for the Supreme Court, this was not before he considered pro-choice Sandra Day O'Connor to be on the supreme court, to which Jerry Falwell said "Every good christian ought to be concerned". However, Mr. Falwell would probably still respect Reagan greatly today.
Take this other example, George Herbert Walker Bush. Although he did appoint Clarence Thomas to the Supremes, he also hired David Souter.
Now, I know that had Sandra Day O'Connor or David Souter been rejected in favour of anti-choicers, we might have seen a repeal of Roe V. Wade right when Clinton came to office (the court would have been Rehnquist, Thomas, Scalia, pro-lifer, pro-lifer).
Fast forward to 2000. The pro-birth people were riled over Clinton's presidency, and GW Bush "abortion foe" came out and passed all sorts of restrictions on abortion.
But all of these actions were just to throw the anti-choice movement a bone. Which poses this question? Do Republicans REALLY care about abortion.
Let's face it, if they didn't adopt some kind of "moral" platform, they would have nothing to run on; the new economy would just seem too repulsive to support. However, they played the "values matter most" card, and they were able to get their reforms passed.
And they will keep throwing the anti-choicers a few bones, but they should not count on supposedly "moral" candidates to stop abortion on demand, because if they did, then they would lose one of the most established wedge issues.
You should tell all your "pro-life" friends that Republicans do not care about the abortion issue, because if they did, they might not just use it as a smokescreen to pass policies that allow the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer. Always remember that if one of their daughters gets pregnant with an unwanted child, they will probably send their little darling to an abortion cline.