The WH knows their base consists of rich people who appreciate tax breaks and millions and millions of ignorant Americans who will accept anything heard on right wing radio, TV and right wing commentary. Less than two years ago bush intentionally lied about Iraq and WMD to get the ignorant all fired up about going to war. The real reason was the oil fields (cheney's energy task force) but a "few" things went wrong that pearle etal didn't anticipate. Now bush is intentionally lying about social security and its financial status because he wants to dump trillions on his stock market buddies. The MSM is already enabling. Soon you will hear bubba chatting about the financial crisis looming in Social Security. I'm sure bush and rove etc pray every day that the ignorant remain that way. That they continue to believe stuff instead of know stuff. Paul Krugman as usual puts the argument out of reach of the ignorant.