I sent an email protesting the inclusion of NoNuts Novak as a member of the roundtable. If you get a chance, email the show and let them know what you think of Novak. Do you have a comment about "Meet the Press?" Send an email to: mtp@nbc.com
I wrote -
Gag, gag, gag. Robert "the lying, mudraking, hypocritical, scumball who outs CIA agents" Novak. You have GOT to be kidding! As long as the main stream media continues to pretend that Novak is a serious journalist the American public is going to be tortured by this inane, silly little man. Get a clue NBC, rewrite your standards on who you will book for Meet the Press and send Nonuts Novak home to spew his vile to his own four walls. Enough - his 15 minutes of fame was up about 10 years ago. Why not try a novel old approach - try finding non-partisan journalist to intelligently discuss a variety of subjects on MTP? I generally TiVo MTP each week so I won't miss a minute. Not this week - can't be bothered with partisan hacks and nonsense. Hopefully you guys will return to your former high standards before too much longer. Start covering the real news - election fraud, the lies about Social Security reform, prison torture, how it is going in Iraq, the dead and injured soldiers, the complete take over of the country by religious zealots (not unlike the Taliban) or even Kerik, Rumsfeld, the awarding of faux medals that negate the true honor to the deserving recipients. So much to cover - so few who are willing. Thanks for the opportunity to vent.
SEN. JOHN WARNER (R - VA) Chairman, Armed Services Cmte.
SEN. CARL LEVIN (D - MI) Ranking Member, Armed Services Cmte.
SEN. RICHARD LUGAR (R - IN) Chairman, Foreign Relations Cmte.
SEN. JOE BIDEN (D - DE) Ranking Member, Foreign Relations Cmte.
JOHN HARWOOD Wall Street Journal
ROBERT NOVAK Chicago Sun-Times The four leaders of the Senate Armed Services and Senate Foreign Relations Committees will be only one place this Sunday: NBC's "Meet the Press with Tim Russert." Armed Services Committee Chairman and Ranking Member John Warner (R-VA) and Carl Levin (D-MI), just back from a trip to Iraq, will join the Foreign Relations Committee's Chairman and Ranking Member, Richard Lugar (R-IN) and Joe Biden (D-DE) to discuss the management of the war in Iraq and the leadership of Defense Secretary Rumsfeld.
Then, in our political roundtable, John Harwood of the Wall Street Journal and Robert Novak of the Chicago Sun-Times will provide insights and analysis on the new Bush Cabinet and the search for a leader of the Democratic Party.
Tim Russert is the moderator of "Meet the Press." Betsy Fischer is the executive producer. Erin Fogarty and Michelle Jaconi are producers.
"Meet the Press" is regularly seen from 9-10 a.m. ET, except in Washington, D.C. where the broadcast is seen from 10:30-11:30 a.m. ET. Please check local listings or the Meet the Press website (www.mtp.msnbc.com) for airtimes in your area.