MODS, I have permission from the the letter writer to print this in it's entirety. The Fargo Forum makes you sigh up to read the online version. The Forum is a right leaning red state paper.
What is stated here is so obvous, why can't more people seem to get it?§ion=Opinion Other views:
Gloating rightie neo-cons are living in fantasy landBy David Arnholt
The Forum - 12/18/2004
John Aron Trandem (column, Forum, Dec. 13) and other rightie neo-cons need to quit gloating about the election and become realistic. Progressive thinking people did not lose as much as America did.
What is pro America about squandering a large positive budget balance for the largest deficit in history. Our dollar isn't worth toilet paper in the world market and we go on borrowing more. President Bush may or may not have gone into Iraq for oil. It's hard to tell after all the fabrications about WMDs, Iraq being able to attack us within 45 minutes, and the aluminum tube probable nuke fiasco that got a CIA operative illegally outed by someone in this administration. I do remember a rather whiney comment, "Well, he tried to kill my dad."
Oh, by the way, where were all those roses and kisses our "liberators" were going to receive as they marched throughout the country? Sure does make a thinking person wonder why we went into Iraq.
Trandem says," The only production encouraged by the current system is the production of more poor children." Wake up and smell the coffee! The righties have pretty much been in the driver's seat since the mid 1990s. Don't blame the progressives for conservative failures, after all, they have had 10 years to fix them.
What about the right to choose? He uses a big brush to paint progressives. Many of us believe in giving the mother, her doctor, and her conscience and relationship with God the right to choose. The rightie neo-con idea is to let all the children be born and then dump them onto society and "create more poor children."
Progressive people do not care about his religion, we just do not want his religion crammed down our throats while we practice our own religious beliefs. A truly religious person will show their religion in how they live and treat others, not with lip service.
Socialism is no evil. It is a form of government and economics. In my 20 years of military service I have lived in many socialist countries. They offer a good life to their citizens. They have universal health coverage, government vacation requirement programs, and good government designed retirement programs. In other words, socialism deals with society and puts it first.
Capitalism deals with capital as the driving force. It brings out the greed in people, not the good in them. How many jobs have been outsourced for pure profit? Think Haliburton and Enron among the leaders.
Last, if Trandem has a scratchy throat I'd suggest a little walk over to the drugstore and purchasing a pack of throat lozenges for it. He won't be wasting the valuable time of a doctor who needs the time to treat a truly needy patient.
Rightie neo-cons need to get out of fantasy land and come into reality land.