Note:This article may have been posted before the 2004 Election Fraud, it originally came out October, 31 2004 at, but that was a much happier and optimistic time, so it may not have gotten the due consideration it deserved. If any of you friends ask you, "Why do they keep saying 'This is the most important election of our lifetime'?" I'd show them this "worst case scenario."
I don't think the author even, thought Bush would manage to "Win" this election, so this is the hopefully NOT prophetic, "unlikely counter point" of the article, But now, It's just plain Scary. My hope is that you will read the full article and not just comment on this clip of it.<>
This clip is from near the end:
On the other hand, if Bush retains control of the White House, we can expect a neocon fascist dictatorship or martial law emergency regime in 2005 or 2006, possibly as the result of synthetic terrorism. The neocons are in a desperate flight forward mentality which seeks to avoid the penal consequences of what they have already done with Valerie Plame, the Niger yellowcake forgeries, the Israeli mole scandal, and the Chalabi betrayal of state secrets. The neocon preference is for early war with Iran. War with Russia and China cannot be excluded somewhat further down the road. Bush 41 invaded Somalia even after being defeated at the polls, and this should remind us that the war and synthetic terrorism dangers will remain high even if Bush is defeated at the polls. This option can be portrayed graphically as follows:
Bush vote fraud of 2004
Neocon fascist dictatorship; martial law; Wolfowitz as Homeland Protector
Terry McAuliffe Pluto-Democrats, until outlawed in 2006
Election 2008-- None: elections suspended, opposition jailed or assassinated
Wars with Iran, Russia, China; fighting on US territory after 2011; civil war
The divide between the ouster of Bush, followed by progressive realignment, and Bush victory, followed by neocon fascism, is beyond doubt the 9/11 myth. Bush has made the 9/11 myth the exclusive basis of the GOP convention and the current campaign; he has no other issue but the demagogy of fear and terror. If the myth crumbles or even erodes, Bush’s ability to retain power is impaired. If the myth holds, Bush will be very difficult to oust.:grouphug: