bush's success in the US. Part can be credited to the BFEE and the world omnipotenti (that is omnipotent in everything but reducing poverty, racism, hatred, stupidity, inequality income disparity and hopelessness among the oppressed etc) who have an evil scheme to hog all good things to themselves/their hideous spawn but there's something else too.....bush is a bullying thug with a crafty aspect who could make it doing anything if only thanks to the confidence his fortunate son status giives him, even rising to position of US prez is obviously possible (hey, the proof's the proof!) and the very things many see as weakness gives a pol like geebush a natural constituent (see HL mencken) but again is it possible some kind of mass psychosis has been nurtured for years, and the trigger to get a majority (that is, 50 percent plus one) to support a dolt like geebush is....maybe something we are aware of but no one can put finger on, in the mass media....an unstated, undefined, virtually untraceable quality that's best described as contempt for humanity....iow the more the social controllers (i'm referring to US/west/1st world/wired world only) want to outrage intelligent observers who use logic based on truth to arrive at conclusions is by ratcheting up the level of contempt for the people, which automatically trips an 'i'm special, not part of the mass of people' instinct in bush's supporters; the idea being that by supporting bush, his supporters are achieving a kind of distinction, which they see in each other. The template is, on the surface, self defeating, but why does anyone think that the powerful accepted the verdict of the french, mexican russian or Iranian revolutions, much less the social moral or cultural revolutions in our times?....why do we think the defeat of the south, the defeat of hitler, the overthrow of feudalism or even end of slavery, were good things? we assume they are, but the busheviks obviously think otherwise. David frum, a bushevik racist pig extrordinaire, said that the fall of berlin wall in '89 was the END of the french revolution!....and he meant that the aristocracy (which frum somehow identifies himself with) WON, finally. It's no joke that the SOUTH finally won the US civil war (which makes all bush supporters traitors) and the nazis won the 2nd world war....when that goofy jackass won the White House