While I do understand his point, I am agasint this, because testing people for tobacco use is a violation of civil liberties.
http://www.startribune.com/stories/462/5143471.html On welfare? Do you smoke? Read on
Conrad Defiebre, Star Tribune
December 18, 2004
State Rep. Marty Seifert, a conservative with a knack for inflammatory proposals, wants to mandate testing to determine whether welfare clients smoke cigarettes. He'd reduce their benefits if they do.
"If you're going to take the taxpayer's money, we're going to expect good behavior," the Marshall Republican said Friday.
"I'm not interested in subsidizing bad habits. It makes no sense to give out health and welfare subsidies if the payments go to smoking and the detriment of people's health and welfare."
Seifert said the welfare recipients who use tobacco -- up to 40 percent of them, at a cost of at least $1,200 a year for a pack-a-day smoker -- could be offered cessation programs through the private Minnesota Partnership for Action Against Tobacco.
His latest plan drew laughs and criticism from Teresa Nelson, legal counsel for the Minnesota Civil Liberties Union.
"That's pretty wild," she said. "Certainly, giving up the right to put legal substances in your body should not be a condition of qualifying for government benefits."
Nelson said the Civil Liberties Union "believes people should be able to smoke," although it does not oppose smoking bans in public places. "But we would object to any effort to prohibit smoking in your own home," she added.