They have no understanding of California, AT ALL..
Apparently they have forgotten how the California GOP kept throwing up these John Ashcroft style, religious right, anti-choice goobers, like Dan Lungren, up for Governor, only to get their asses kicked.. A "moderate" like Arnold can't win the primaries in CA because, like the rest of the country, religious right wackjobs have taken over the GOP grass-roots party apparatus. The only way Republican Power-brokers, who understand the electoral reality in California, could shoehorn a relative social moderate ("moderate" in the GOP meaning he doesn't advocate the death penalty for gays and women who use the birth control pill) into the Governor's office was to engineer this bullshit "energy crisis" with the help of Ken Lay and certain (cough cough) Texas Energy Interests... then, by overturning a legitimate election that they lost, they finally were able to get this meathead into Sacramento...
So, now these ultra-right wing retards are whining because he's not
enough of a Republican? Listen, you stupid freeper sh*t-for-brains, I don't know how things are in Muskogee or wherever the hell you're screwing your chickens these days, but here in, as you freeps put it,
"Kaliphornication", Arnie is the
most Republican you're ever gonna get in that office, assholes.. And here's a news flash- although we expect the White House and other "connected interests" to pull all kinds of shit from here to 2006, there's still no guarantee that Arnie will be re-elected.. The Republican party doesn't have real good pr right now in the major population centers in CA. His re-election is hardly a given, even
with his relatively tepid support for things like abortion rights-
things which the overwhelming majority of Californians support. So go cry and bitch about the poor, victimized stem cells into your Tim LaHaye Books.. But don't try to talk about things you obviously don't understand, namely political reality in California.