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Tauzin's job stirs ethics debate

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JI7 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-19-04 10:35 AM
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Tauzin's job stirs ethics debate
<WASHINGTON -- The announcement by retiring U.S. Rep. Billy Tauzin, R-Chackbay, that he will head the leading drug industry lobby has sparked Capitol Hill debate over whether Congress has become too cozy with special interests.

That former members of Congress cross over into lobbying for industries they once regulated is nothing new, observers say. That Tauzin once led the House committee that oversees drug makers and that helped write the bill to expand Medicare prescription drug coverage has resurrected the long-running debate.

"There is sort of a revolving door between Congress and special interest groups," said George Washington University congressional scholar Forrest Maltzman. "This just highlights it."

Tauzin, who will be leaving Congress after 24 years, is reportedly receiving $1.5 million to $2 million in salary and benefits to become president and chief executive officer of Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, also known as PhRMA.

Having been a Democrat for 15 years before switching to the Republican Party, Tauzin is considered one of the most-connected legislators on Capitol Hill. He rose to become chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, the oldest and arguably most-powerful committee in Congress. The committee regulates American industries, including drug makers.>
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Fir Donating Member (19 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-19-04 10:51 AM
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1. what debate?
The only people talking about it are the liberals and tinfoil hatted idealists like us.

Are the Democrats even talking about it? I haven't heard anything. They all do it and its a major reason the people have completely lost control of our government.

So many of our politicians think its just rewards for their meritorious service to be handed cushier well paid jobs while the rest of America falls thru the cracks job wise.

They seem to have noooooooo problem writing legislation designed to give huge amounts of giveaways to corporate America and drain the pockets of working Americans.

And we reelect these boobs time after time.
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