Notice that in all the news items related to Alberto GONZALEZ, it is never HIM that writes the important memos, or does the VETTING of KERIK-------it is his OFFICE. The big boys do the heavy lifting in the back suites, while GONZLEZ, who LEAHY and SHUMER say is "VERY NICE", makes like a choir boy. After all he was one of eight siblings, who STILL MAINTAINS CONTACT with them (wow!). He is SO NICE!
And John YOO is destined to freeze in Hell (DANTE sez Hell is ice, not fire).
*******QUOTE******* Michael Isikoff
Updated: 5:45 p.m. ET Dec. 18, 2004
Dec. 18 - Just two weeks after the September 11 attacks, a secret
memo to White House counsel
Alberto Gonzales’ office concluded that President Bush had the power to deploy military force “
preemptively” against any terrorist groups or countries that supported them—regardless of whether they had any connection to the attacks on the World Trade Towers or the Pentagon.
The memo, written by Justice Department lawyer
John Yoo, argues that there are effectively “
no limits” on the president’s authority to wage war—a sweeping assertion of executive power that some constitutional scholars say goes considerably beyond any that had previously been articulated by the department. ....
The arguments pushed by Yoo, a prolific conservative scholar who has since left the Justice Department, reached what many view as its apex nearly a year later when, in another memo written by a colleague
Jay Bybee, the Office of Legal Counsel concluded that the president’s powers were
so expansive that he and his surrogates were not bound by congressional laws or international treaties proscribing torture during the interrogation of detainees. ....
...according to the September 11 commission, a memo apparently written by Under Secretary of Defense
Douglas Feith just five days before Yoo’s memo suggested “hitting terrorists outside the Middle East in the initial offensive, perhaps deliberately selecting a
non-al Qaeda target like Iraq.” ....
“There was a general awareness after Sept. 11 that the enemy was not simply al Qaeda—but
militant Islam in general,” said
Brad Berenson, who served in the White House counsel’s office at the time. ....