Thought this was kind of interesting...
There is an old political spectrum map that went something like this (2-dimensional, from left to right, based on degree of government - the left being economic collectivism and the right being economic individualism):
anarchy -> socialism -> liberalism -> moderate -> conservatism -> libertarianism -> fascism -> totalitarianism
Recently a new model has come to light (called the "Political Compass") that adds social issues as third dimension. It's horizontal axis runs from left (Communism, Collectivism) to right (Neo-liberalism, Libertarianism). The vertical axis runs from (top) Authoritarianism (Fascism) to (bottom) Anarchism (Libertarian).
This divides the graph into quadrants and you can easily identify where your beliefs fall - Authoritarian Left, Authoritarian Right, Libertarian Left and Libertarian Right. For instance, Stalin is in the upper left, far to the left while Hitler is upper right but close to the center axis. Gandhi, on the other hand, is Libertarian Left.
You can find out more about the Political Compass here, and take a self-test to see where your beliefs fall /
Here is a site that explains how Classical Liberalism had evolved into what's known today as "the left." This is very interesting and takes a look at all the various models linked below, I highly recommend taking a look at the site.
Redefining the Political Spectrum - the Rational Spectrum more political self-tests, go here:
Scroll down to "Political Self-Tests" is another version compiled from a Libertarian perspective, called the "Nolan Chart." There is a link on the page to "The World's Smallest Political Quiz," a self-test you can take to determine where you fit in their model (The link is about 10% down on the left, below the "Personal Rights" heading.
Here is another one, attempting to correct and further refine the Nolan Chart - the Origen Map's another one. also from a Libertarian perspective /
Disclaimer: Before you start flaming me for beind favoring Libertarians, - I don't know why theese new models are coming from the Libertarians and not other perspectives. I am not a Libertarian, not associated with them in any way, don't advocate their positions. It is just that this is where the stuff is coming from and I think it's kind of interesting. Hope you do to.