<snip> Since taking office, President Bush has signed into law bold initiatives to improve public schools by raising standards, requiring accountability, and strengthening local control. He has signed tax relief that provided rebate checks and lower tax rates for everyone who pays income taxes in America. He has increased pay and benefits for America's military and is working to save and strengthen Social Security and Medicare. He is also committed to ushering in a responsibility era in America, and has called on all Americans to be "citizens, not spectators; citizens, not subjects; responsible citizens building communities of service and a Nation of character." <snip>
The above is an excerpt from the biography of GW on the White House website.
First off, improve public schools? Really? Then why exactly is funding being cut for the public school systems across America? Secondly, I didn't see a damn bit of help from his 'tax relief' and I am definitely poor. Then, increased pay and benefits for the military? Isn't this the same ass-munch who wanted to deny benefits and tried like hell to block pay increases for our military people? Fourth, don't get me started on Medicare and Social Security. Here we have outright lies on the biography page of the "President" from the White House. Does anyone else see a problem with this?
But the last part is what interests me. I think we can answer his call to be citizens, not subjects; citizens, not spectators. I think we CAN 'be responsible citizens building communities of service and a Nation of character'. I think it's time to take our country back. But I have absolutely NO CLUE as to how to do that. I have to admit that I was never terribly interested in politics until the chimp came along. Even after the 2000 debacle, I stopped being interested for a while. I thought, I voted; it didn't matter. So screw it! But then there was 9/11. Like many other Americans, I stopped caring so much about political parties and started caring about my fellow countrymen. I honestly thought the chimp might just grow up and stop being such an ass as all eyes turned to him to lead us. I apologize for my stupidity. I just have this horrible trait of believing the best of people. I (and many of my countrymen) hoped there would be a new dawn in America. Too bad that was an impossibility with the chimp in the White House. I never voted for him. Always thought he was a spoiled rich kid who had everything handed to him and cared not a whit for us po' folk here in the heartland. But after 9/11, I hoped. I saw something wondrous in our coming together after such a senseless tragedy. I felt, for the very first time ever, like a REAL citizen of this great nation. I cared. Now, three years later and three years painfully wiser, I still care. Now, I want him out; the sooner, the better. I want the rest of my compatriots to take another step toward what blossomed so beautifully in the aftermath of 9/11. I want the U.S. to turn into US again. Having had those hopes dashed cruelly on the rocks of corporate greed, I now only want to know: what can I do? How can I help my country? I feel lost here guys and gals. Can someone help? What do I need to do? How do I (here in an absolute SEA of Red States) make any kind of difference? How do "We the People" mobilize ourselves into a cohesive movement? For if can unite, then we shall never be defeated. Our Constitution will stop being raped. Our rights will stop being trampled on. But we have to do something...so where do I sign?