I am ordering one of these.
http://mhpbooks.com/wwdn.htmlHere are the opening paragraphs from Dean's comments from a poster at Kos last week:
"Americans are a people unique in the world for their optimism, their faith, their ability to hope, and their belief that they can control their own fates. We are a relatively young country, uncynical by international standards, and though we've often been labeled by others as naïve, our capacity for hope and faith and optimism has also made us a magnet for people seeking hope and faith and control over their lives from all over the globe.
It horrifies me to see this strength of ours being squandered. It saddens me immeasurably to see the American spirit bending under the load of nonsense that passes for politics. It frightens me, too. I truly believe that much of America's power in the world comes from the fact that for so long, we've been able to inspire dreams of a better future in people around the world.
Our source of power has been not our ability to bomb whole cities into oblivion, but our ability to peacefully captivate people's hearts and minds. It seemed to me that if we were failing to generate this power at home, then there was no way we could continue to do so overseas. The result was that we were seriously at risk of becoming a weak, second-rate nation."
Howard Dean, Donna Brazile, and Greg Palast on voting reform ...
· Lewis Lapham and Nicholas Kristof on how to re-organize the Democratic
Party ...
· Harper's Magazine publisher John R. MacArthur on supporting labor by
fighting free trade
· Tax attorney Maud Newton (famous, by the way, for her literary
website) on tax reform...
· Biologist Sandra Steingraber on renewing the fight for the
· Martha Nussbaum on improving international relations...
· Cass Sunstein and Jamin Raskin on court reform...
· Columbia history professor Eric Foner on keeping a historical
perspective ...
· Feminist Robin Morgan and Esther Kaplan on countering the rise of
fundamentalism in our schools and courts ...
· Danny Schechter and feminst Jennifer Pozner on media reform...
· Earl Ofari Hutchinson on winning back the black fundamentalist vote...
· Leslie Cagan, who organized the giant 500,000 person demonstration
during the RNC in August, and Medea Benjamin, who disrupted President Bush's
RNC speech, on what activists can do now...
· Fiction writers Percival Everett, George Saunders, and Steve Almond,
and poet Alicia Ostriker, on the cultural implications, and how to
· Billionaires for Bush on how really rich people can work to keep their
· and more. . .