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questions about volunteering in NH

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ant Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-20-04 01:41 AM
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questions about volunteering in NH
I hope this is the appropriate forum for this. If not, my apologies.

I posted a few days ago about how I might be going up to NH for the primary this weekend but couldn't decide what candidate to volunteer for. I joked about wanting to volunteer for all of them, and someone commented that there was probably no reason why I couldn't do that. Sorry, I don't remember who the poster was, and I didn't bookmark the thread, but it sparked my imagination and I think it would be an amazing experience if I could go up there and maybe spend each day volunteering for a different candidate. Not only would it just be so much fun to be a part of all this, I think it would be really cool - and helpful in making up my own mind - to see each of the campaigns from the inside.

Anyway, I'm posting because I have some questions:

1. Would campaigns frown on this sort of thing? I've read some posts here from time to time about volunteers from one campaign possibly doing sneaky things to another, so I imagine they might question whether or not I'm up to something. I don't want to cause trouble by volunteering for candidate X one day and then having his people see me volunteering for candidate Y the next day or something. I have no problem telling people what I'm doing, but I'm just wondering if I'm being naive in thinking they'll be OK with it.

2. Do campaigns take walk-ins? I'm probably not going to know until the last minute whether or not I can go up, and since I'm not sure about our schedule I don't want to promise to be somewhere and then not make it. I was hoping I could just walk into someone's headquarters and be like, "use me for whatever you need." I'll make calls, stuff envelopes, get lunch, whatever, I don't care. Will people look at me funny if I do that? Will it be an inconvenience to them? I don't know how much they need to prepare in advance for a volunteer, but I've got a car and my friend and I will be taking care of our own lodging, so I don't really need anything from them.

3. Can anyone think of something I might be overlooking?

There's still a chance I may not be able to go, but after mentioning it to my mom tonight she went a little nuts, telling me I simply couldn't pass up this opportunity. I'll probably never be in a position to do this again, and who knows when we'll get another primary this exciting. She got me so worked up I'm really going to push to make this happen. Hell, even if I know no one will let me volunteer this way I'll still go up just to be there.

Anyway, thanks in advance. I've volunteered for campaigns before but never like this, so I'm not sure how realistic this plan is.

And congratulations to everyone - what a great night!
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newyawker99 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-20-04 10:45 AM
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