"West Texas-style Whack Job
Thomas F. Schaller
All of which suggests to me that Rove -- who likes to stab his enemies as well as his "friends" in the front -- knew precisely how this would play out. Keep in mind that, coming out of a New York City convention and re-election campaign in which Bush had to distance himself from the Tom Delays and Trent Lotts and James Dobsons of his coaltion in favor of the John McCains and Rudy Giulianis and Arnold Schwarzeneggers, and despite the mythical "moral values" swing vote, it would be easy for people like Giuliani to feel that Bush owes them.
Ok, fine, says Rove. So they appoint Kerik, who blows himself up as the nation watches, leaving plenty of black powder burns on Rudy's face. It's the perfect two-fer, because Rudy has now cashed in his electoral chit, and in exchange damaged his own national reputation. Favor repaid, in full, via a West Texas-style double-hit whack job that would make the goons Rudy used to prosecute nod with grudging admiration."