In 2002, Ed McGaa won the Minnesota Green Party endorsement, with a two-thirds majority, despite an effort by their former Vice Presidential candidate Winona LaDuke and others to get the party to forego a Senate race against Wellstone.
McGaa disagreed with the Green Party platform on the war on terrorism. As a Korean War vet, he says he believes constructive military intervention is sometimes warranted. He remains proud of his 110 combat missions in Vietnam and is still a staunch anti-communist. Some response was needed to September 11, he adds.
McGaa has also stirred up some controversy for accusing Wellstone of being "more loyal to Israel than he is to the United States"-a statement Wellstone supporters and some Greens view as anti-Semitic.
McGaa takes umbrage at the accusation, insisting that he is "pro-Jewish, if you want to put it that way," and merely thinks the United States should ease up on foreign aid. His comments on Wellstone's disability (the Senator announced this year that he has a mild form of M.S.)-suggesting Wellstone might not survive the election season-didn't go over particularly well, either. A polished politician he is not. But then neither is his role model, Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura.'ers from Minnesota - did McGaa cause any ripples?