Salon: Has any senator said to you that he or she will call for an inquiry? No, I haven't talked with a single one. I'm not citing somebody who I know is going to do it. I'm not aware of anyone. I just don't think the Senate would get caught in that position
Salon:You haven't exactly enjoyed a groundswell of support from other members of Congress. Are there Democrats in Congress who support what you're doing but won't come forward and say so publicly? Conyers:Well, there are Republicans who support what I'm doing who haven't been willing to come forward. Look, calling for fair elections is not the most radical thing in the world. We're not positing some revolutionary theory here. We're asking that the people who complained be given a fair hearing.
Salon:Have any Republicans actually told you that they support your efforts? Conyers:I'd rather not comment on that.
I wish our Republican and Democratic representatives would grow a pair and support an investigation into the election. They work for us the American People not Bushco.