The reason that the democrats have not been able to openly address economic issues is because every time they try to do so, the republicans have this theme, they all start screaming "class warfare" in an amazing example of the pot calling the kettle black. So if a democrat says "Bush's policies are screwing the poor while making the richest amercians even richer, we need to increase taxes on those who have been the most fortunate to help take the burden off the working people," you will hear a chorus of "class warfare," with its implied accusation of "socialism, communism" from the right wing pundits. By doing this so effectively, they have stolen the democrats' traditional bread and butter issue, economic justice and social justice, and left us looking like the party of divisive fringe issues like gay marriage and gun control and abortion.
So what I am suggesting is that this same tactic and this same big-picture reframing of the issue be used against the republicans whenever they trot our one of their divisive social-morality issues that are only designed to turn people against democrats anyway. They should be constantly and uniformly and loudly accused of fomenting religious warfare, of turning people of different faiths against one another in defiance of american traditions of tolerance and keeping religion out of politics. "Religious warfare" is an ugly thing, and its a truthful accusation, and they deserve it, and I think it can have the same effect as the "class warfare" accusation has had against the democrats, it can nuetralize their social-morality issues that they are beating us to death with.
And by the way, I do not base my beleif on the social-morality issues being the death of the democrats on the recent post-election poll, its a deeper trend and a fact, abortion, gay rights, feminism gun control, these issues are killing the democratic party just by association. What do we stand for in the average blue collar southerner's mind? Thats it, abortion, atheism, feminism, gay rights. Thats a major problem, that these issues define the party. When people ask "why do these people vote against their economic interest," the answer is that the democratic party does not make it part of the message that we are the party that represents their economic interest. And the reason we don't, again, is because the democratic party has beein intimidated by the use of the "class warfare" accusation by the republicans.