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http://www.nytimes.com/2004/12/23/national/23gov.htmlPaul Berendt & Jim McDermott and fighting hard to help ensure a win for Democrat Christine O. Gregoire. Best quotes I've heard from a democrat in a looooooonnnnnnggg time. I wish these 2 were working on the John Kerry campaign
Mr. Berendt said Washington Democrats had decided from the start that what he described as Al Gore's "nice guy" approach was not to be the tactic here.
"I don't think there's any doubt that people are empowered by this whole thing," said Representative Jim McDermott, one of the state's most prominent Democrats. "The feeling of many of us is they quit too soon in Ohio. We don't know what happened there, but we said, 'By God, they're not going to do that in Washington.' "