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Thu Dec-23-04 10:45 AM
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The ratio of American deaths in Iraq to the deaths in Vietnam. I post this because of the constant message by the ignorant right wing elite with microphones who downplay the number of deaths in Iraq compared to those which occurred in Vietnam. Now that bush has admitted he has no exit strategy and that the Iraqis are in no position to take over their own defense and security the ratio will continue to get smaller.
The ratio dropped below 1/45 this week. Go ahead right wing elite, continue to belittle the deaths of American Servicemen (while denying same) in the war you support.
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Thu Dec-23-04 10:48 AM
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1. I believe we've lost many more in Iraq than |
Edited on Thu Dec-23-04 10:50 AM by BlueManDude
at a comparable time (chronologically) in VN. Of course we won't get to the point of losing hundreds a week as in VN. AWOL will cut and run soon leaving the hundreds of thousand of friends and families of the dead and wounded the rest of their lives to ponder what the invasion of Iraq accomplished.
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Thu Dec-23-04 11:18 AM
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2. Yeah, but when you've got half a million troops deployed |
as we did in Vietnam, then you've got a better chance of getting more killed at a higer rate. The bottom line is we are not doing so great in comparison.
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Thu Dec-23-04 12:04 PM
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3. It's wonderful when they say, "Not that many have died." |
What the hell does that mean? These are human beings with families. And they're dying over a complete LIE!
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:32 AM
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