I'm sure there has already been a thread on this issue. I'm posting only to make sure that these links are archived.
Opening Ceremony: The IX Olympic Gripes>>
By Lisa de Moraes
Wednesday, December 22, 2004; Page C07
As a special holiday treat, the Federal Communications Commission late yesterday posted on its Web site all nine of the complaints it says it has received about NBC's coverage of the Athens Olympics.
In reading the filings, it would appear some of our Games competitors -- a few members of the women's beach volleyball team, to be exact -- are disciples of Vice President Cheney to the extent that in the excitement of competition they used the same word he used in the excitement of a photo shoot on the floor of the U.S. Senate last June.
Still another letter focused on NBC's profile of swimmer Amanda Beard during the Games, in which she is described as a sex symbol, a notion supported by a slo-mo video of Beard emerging from a pool. The profile was all about how she has morphed from the cute little 14-year-old swimmer, who brought her teddy bear to the starting block at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics, to this total hottie who appeared in men's magazines Maxim and FHM right before the Athens Games.
"Instead of celebrating the greatness of mankind as represented by the Olympic spirit,
showed pictures designed to incite lust and immorality -- roots of many of the social ills facing our nation today," the writer penned.
The complaints are almost all the result of a campaign orchestrated by the Parents Television Council.
FCC Receives Record Number Of Complaints, Issues Record Amount In Fines
MediaWeek reported last week that just about 100 percent of the complaints filed in 2003 and 2004 were filed by the Parents Television Council, a 10 year-old group boasting more than a million members whose self-described goal is "to restore television to its roots as an independent and socially responsible entertainment medium."
FCC Enforcement Bureau - Obscene, Profane & Indecent Broadcasts: Pleadings and Other Documents of Interest
Complaints Regarding NBC's Broadcast of the 2004 Summer Olympics