Jim McDermott is a courageous man. From Baghdad, before the invasion, he was one of the first to call Bush on his dishonesty and he was mocked in the press -there he was, first boots on the ground, trying to make sense of the insensate causis belli, and they ridiculed him -as he would have known they would, but he offered himself anyway.
I have a particular soft spot for him now, as we read with ever-increasing frequency of the psychological trauma cases that are the returning troops. That was his job during Vietnam- he was a military psycholigist who treated the returning battle weary. He know the price that would be exacted.
This came in the mail today and when I read it I gasped. It's a plea to help with the intra-party struggle, in very familiar language. Jim was an early Dean supporter and here, he makes a rather urgent case -and one that a very many of us can understand. I’m posting nearly all of the letter. All the emphasis is his...
Friends of Jim McDERMOTT DEMOCRAT December 15, 2004
Dear Friend:
I am worried.
I am worried about our country and what the Bush Administration is doing to it. "
I am also worried about the Democratic Party.
The hunger to win national elections may lead some Democrats to a shortsighted reassessment of our party’s values - and to a compromise of our core Democratic principles.
It is time to re-commit ourselves to our core Democratic heritage reflected in the courage of President Franklin Roosevelt and the vision of President John F. Kennedy.
Our vision should be one of commitment not compromise! I believe:
. We Democrats should not compromise on the issue of choice. . The Billof Rights must, itself, be protected from those willing to revise it in the name of fear. Human rights and constitutional rights do not belong on the bargaining table. . Affordable health care coverage must be a right, not a wish, for the American people. We should accept nothing less! . Committing our country to a war and placing our brave military personnel in harm’s way based on contrived and misleading statements is morally corrupt and should not be excused or tolerated!
These are issues and values not to be taken lightly.
My commitment to our principles is unbending. I intend to take this fight back to the Congress. It is time to look ahead, not back. I intend to continue to speak up and challenge the Bush/ Cheney administration and its right-wing Republican majority at every opportunity.
As the Republicans proclaim their "moral imperative" let us not forget the morality of our own Democratic core issues, the issues that should serve as a polestar for our work in the Congress:
. An increase in the minimum wage so that people in our country can afford to live decently. . Affordable housing for all our citizens. . Affordable, adequate health care for everyone. . Accessible education for all. . Environmental stewardship that truly protects and preserves our nation.
While some Democrats are in the process of reassessing our values and preparing for compromise, I am preparing for battle.
As you know, I have fought many difficult battles in the past on the floors of the State Legislature and the Congress. And I am ready to fight again for the principles and liberties we cherish.
"Will you join me in the battle for our Democratic values and the defense of our Constitution?"
Make no mistake about the gravity of this undertaking: on the last day of the recent congressional session, the Republican Majority leader, Tom Delay chose to personally and publicly attack House leader Nancy Pelosi and me.
It is serious business as a Member of Congress to find oneself under a public attack by the House Majority leader.
Those of us who are outspoken find ourselves on the Republicans' hit list -singled out for a Karl Rove style of relentless political attack. And... quite frankly, representatives like Nancy Pelosi and I will not survive without the support and commitment from people like you.
That is why I need your immediate help. I continue to be involved with ongoing litigation following the 1997Gingrich debacle. It is extremely costly (and risky) to fight the Republican right wing.
I do not have the luxury of waiting. I need to raise money NOW so that I can continue to fight for the rights and principles we Democrats hold dear.
(Here he makes an urgent-sounding request for money -I don’t believe I’ve ever received one from him before- followed by this rather ominous statement…)
Your financial assistance this month may very well make the difference as to whether or not I have the ability to continue this fight….
The online contribution addy given is www.McDermottforcongress.com -I can’t send anything for a couple of weeks but thought I’d try to get as many eyes on this as I could.
I don't pretend to understand his affiliation with Pelosi other than she really is liberal on a number of traditionally Democratic issues. Now she seems more willing to compromise than this letter would suggest his is, but I can imagine that any Dem to the left of Lieberman is a target in the current atmosphere. Maybe he's trying to show her that a shift is unnecessary.
At any rate, he has earned my trust and I'm proud that he's my Rep.