"FLAGSTAFF, (Ariz.), January 17, 2004—For some it’s the economy, for others the war in Iraq. But for Black Mesa Trust Executive Director Vernon Masayesva, it’s the environment that is the crucial issue in the upcoming 2004 Presidential election.
Mr. Masayesva officially endorsed the candidate he thinks most likely to be able to take the presidency away from Republican George W. Bush in November. In front of a crowd of 200 supporters of General Wesley Clark at the American Legion Hall in downtown Flagstaff, actor and Northern Arizona nativeTed Danson read Mr. Masayesva’s statement:
“As a descendent of a people who many generations ago were given the responsibility of stewardship for the land, I feel obligated to speak out against President Bush’s environmental policies, which are destroying--and desecrating--our Mother Earth. He has already gutted the Clean Air Act of 1972 and implemented a policy of unbridled logging in our forests. Now he and Vice President Cheney are trying to push through Congress an energy bill that is a monument to corporate greed and irresponsibility at the expense of sound environmental principles.
“We all must accept the fact that nature will inevitably react to this abuse of the resources put on the earth for our benefit. We are already seeing signs of the devastation to come. Nature is telling us that we need to start getting our home in order now.
“I feel that General Wes Clark is the one candidate who has the ability and skills necessary to unite and energize the Democratic party so that we will have a better chance of winning the presidency in November and beginning the healing process for the benefit of our children and all generations to come.
“Today I am pleased and honored to endorse General Clark.”
Mr. Masayesva then spoke to the noisily enthusiastic crowd that had gathered to honor the general’s wife, Gertrude Clark, who was on the campaign trail visiting Flagstaff. Mr. Danson also endorsed General Clark."