I didn't want to hijack this
thread about Feinstein amendment to abolish the Electoral College. So I was wondering what people thought about fraud in the Electoral College system?
The reason I ask, is one of my arguments for getting rid of the EC is it seems to promote fraud, or exploitation of the system. There's enough doubt now, and in 2000 that point to rampant fraud. Also, when I say fraud, I'm not just talking about fixing machines, or throwing out votes. I consider anything that's designed to keep people from voting fraud. That includes changing polling-places at the last minute, or inadequate number of polling-places.
The Candidates aim for getting the most EC votes and not the popular vote. They make legal and illegal maneuvers to make sure they win those magical 270 EC votes. What I'm trying to point out, is if you know you might hurt a third of your own voters by limiting polling-places, or machines in an area. You still hurt two thirds of your opponent's potential voter pool. Since you're not going for total votes, you can risk losing a few of your own potential voters, so you can win a state's EC. It doesn't help that the Republicans thought of a way around that downside by getting their voters to use the absentee ballots whenever possible. They were pushing these months before the election, which makes me believe they had some hand or foreknowledge of all the problems we've been reading about over the last two months.
I realize that someone will find a way to disenfranchise voters no matter the system. It just seems that we should make it as difficult as possible that the system not be turned against voters.