Here's some food for thought. The world seems to be bucking the PNAC Plan. The world will not take us on directly, but you can bet tht the war can and will be fought in the trading pits and world trade strategies.
Here's a very interesting article that should make the most beliicose stop and ponder the future.........
I agree, and there is another security dimension at play here in SA that should sober up the pro-warriors... from jmcgowanjm's post in this other thread.....
On 10 November 2004, the India Daily reported that,
"Russian President Putin is taking a lead role in the
most powerful coalition of regional and superpowers in
the world. The coalition consists of India, China, Russia
and Brazil. This will challenge the superpower supremacy
of America." … "He wants to establish a long-
term Russian footprint in Latin America in order to
expand Moscow's geopolitical influence in the region. Brazil
is very open to the coalition concept where these large
countries support each other in term of trade,
economics, international politics and defense."
Just this single strategic move means that the
new coalition embraces just over three quarters of the
world's total population, eighty percent of its natural
resources, and a majority of technical and scientific
What absolutely no one outside Russia and Venezuela
knew until two weeks ago, is that 20 of the fifty Mig 29 SMTs
are fully equipped to carry and fire the devastating SS-N-25
"Onyx", a devastating and
completely unstoppable Mach 2.9 ramjet anti-ship cruise
missile which skims the waves at twenty feet, before delivering
a knock out blow to its maritime target more than 200
kilometers away.
So great is the kinetic energy at the point of impact on
the target, that Onyx can sink an American aircraft carrier
or supertanker using only a conventional penetrating
warhead. Those scientists who might doubt this
should calculate the impact energy of 5,500 pounds of
missile striking a carrier or tanker at a terminal velocity of
2,460 feet per second. It is understood that Russia is
providing Venezuela with a stockpile of forty anti-ship
Onyx missiles.
Concurrently on the other side of the world, more
pieces of the strategic jigsaw were falling into place, and on
2 December 2004 the Asia Times published "China Rocks
the Geopolitical Boat with Iran Oil Deal", which is probably one
of the top stories of the century.
America is already desperately short of energy, and it
can only get worse. Iraq is producing nothing at all as usual,
and the Republican Guard will ensure it stays that way.
OPEC will slow down production in January because it
actually has to. If the OPEC countries keep pumping at
their present outrageous rates to please America, they
will eventually destroy their own economies by
terminally damaging their producing wells. or face
devastating and total economic ruin.