Edited on Sat Dec-25-04 01:41 PM by kentuck
As Harry Truman so noted, "If they stop telling lies about us, then we'll stop telling the truth about them..." (perhaps slightly paraphrasing)
They lie as part of their political strategy - not as a character flaw per se. For example, they say the Democrats are "big spenders" and want to raise your taxes for big government programs. What is the truth? The Repubs since Ronald Reagan have been the "biggest spenders" in the history of this nation. As they claim to cut your taxes, they put it in one pocket and take it out of the other, and usually, just a little more than they gave you to begin with.
They say the Democrats are "weak on defense". Look at what happened with the USS Cole and the Kobar Towers, they say. However, let's not look at the 241 Marines killed in Beirut under Reagan because of a disastrous military decision. Let's not look at the 3000 people killed at the Pentagon and WTC under George W Bush. Let's blame it on Bill Clinton. Let's not rationally analyze the "catastrophic success" in Iraq with the brilliant military planning of this most recent crop of military strategists.
Let's tell the truth about the Repubs and stop being defensive about our own record. We always create more jobs than the Republicans - no matter how much they cut taxes for their wealthy friends. That's a fact. It is the Democratic Party that offers the only hope to the working and middle-class people in this country. Because the Repubs lie about their intentions to help people. Why? Because they distrust government in all its forms. Yes, we believe our government can be good. It is not evil like the Repubs say. They destroy everything we have tried to build up for the last 70 years. They are liars and manipulators. And that's the truth about the Republican Party.