Recently Lakoff explained this (again) on AAR Morning Sedition;
- every word comes with a frame, we frame things as we speak
- with most words the frame is ingrained in peoples minds; the frame is understood without explanation
- framing is not the same thing as spin
- spin is *deceptive* framing
- deceptive framing requires re-framing: the (new) frame needs to be explained over and over again until it is ingrained in peoples minds
- reclaiming the language ('undeceiving' the framing of the debate) also requires re-framing:
ie simply calling taxes "investment in America" won't cut it, we'll have to explain what this investment means and how it benefits everyone (ie construction of roads, creating the internet, training of scientists). (it could be added that privatization of such things makes it more costly because on top of the costs, corporations want profit)
So we need both new catch-phrases *and* the story that goes with those.