Edited on Mon Dec-27-04 01:22 PM by Kill Radicalism Now
It's not about Dean is better than Kerry or vice versa.
Look at what Bush is doing! He currently is trying to strip more money from the states for Medicaid to which the state governors are bipartisan in their reply. They don't want Bush to take more money away from Medicaid. The governor of Arkansas said "You don't take a wheelchair away from a child with muscular dystrophy". That's exactly what Bush wants to do. He's still hellbent on banning gay marriages, though I suppose he'll wait a while longer before he gets into it again. And he wanted to deny people with cancer the compensation they deserve from building nuclear weapons. these are people that didn't know exactly what they were building, but now they have cancer from the exposure. He is so lacking in compassion. He is so lacking in actually thinking about others. He's the most selfish person I think I've ever known of. He refused to sign the Kyoto treaty because it'll hurt "U.S. Economy"...what he really meant is that it'll hurt the pocket books of his CEO friends. Company profits are up, but the trickle down to the employees is not happening. But yet, he cares more about money than he does making sure our kids have a decent environment.
It's not about Dean. It's not about Kerry. It's not about Clinton. It's about getting the biggest asshole that ever became President out of the office he doesn't deserve!
(Edited 1:19pm)