One would have to believe that some do know. Thousands of emails have been sent by now. Some do know that something went wrong, some, those that are more curious then others, probably know quite a bit and perhaps do not want to "rock the boat". Contesting on Jan.6th, is going to take courage as is being involved with this at any level, for an elected official. This is a huge unraveling - and whether they like or do not like the Bush administration, the consequences of the world discovering fraud in the American electoral system (and has been since 2000- which some do already know), is HUGE. Some might not be ready for the challenge and for dealing with whatever comes next. Others, frankly, might be afraid of what could happen to them personally- remember, these are not "nice people" that we are talking about discrediting. Mike Malloyo on AAR, a few weeks ago said the reason Senators will not contest is because they value their lives, their families, their homes and their jobs. Someone recently reminded me about what happened to Paul Wellstone, who many believe did not have an "accidental" plane crash.
Time will tell. We can only do what we can to let the world know and be ready to face, whatever happens, once the truth comes out. And it will. It has no choice.