"HD: Right. I think one the things we can all agree on is election fraud is a huge issue for us and we should move on that. I think the war is an incredibly foolish undertaking as you’re well aware. I think that we’re going to have to choose what our issues are going to be. It’s very hard to focus the attention of the country on maybe two or three issues at once. I think the war is a really important issue but I think that as time goes on particularly after the President’s inauguration, there will be more and more focus on the war, But right now, the election is fresh on our mind, and I really do think we should focus on the questionable results of the election in some of the states such as Ohio."
Getting down to election reform tactics:
"HD: I think we need to focus on election officials. County Clerks, Secretaries of State in particular, because the Republicans have been so partisan in exercising their responsibility to help people vote, they‘ve in fact tried to suppress turnout instead of encourage it. Secondly, we, I think we need to try to get laws passed, by referendum if necessary, that says that no voting machines in a particular state or jurisdiction may be used unless they can be recounted by hand. Oregon has such a statute because Bill Bradbury (Oregon’s Secretary of State) got one passed in 2001. We should try to state by state overhaul the election process both by referendum and by electing where possible Democratic Secretaries of State and County Clerks."
Read the rest at
http://www.peopleforchange.net /
Dean always was ahead of the curve on recognizing election fraud as a real and present danger. His locally based reform strategy is right on, and indeed the only way of cleaning up elections available to us now that all three branches of the Federal Government are under Republican control. Of course, we also need the movement charisma of people like Martin Luther King or Jesse Jackson, a whole Woodstock's worth of powerful groovy counter-culture and so on. The movement needs to be part of a global movement, but with local political tactics. It needs to bring young people who are part of a globalized Internet culture into local activism.