Folks, in order to do away with all confusion, I am changing the title and a few words of my release. Instead of continuing the confusion and sending a letter to Al, I think this is the best route. I have decided to change the wording. Instead of saying the Al Gore Support Center endorses Donnie, it just says I do as the admin of the site. I am again very sorry for any confusion. I aplogize for the frenzy and vagueness, it was not intended:
Chris D. Jackson Urges Everyone To Support Donnie Fowler
December 26th, 2004 -- Chris D. Jackson, the administrator of the Al Gore Support Center, officially announces he is backing of Donnie Fowler for DNC Chair via this letter. Please note that this letter was initially sent to the members of the Al Gore Support Center and addresses their concerns as well.
Dear members,
I hope that each and every one of you had a very Merry Christmas! As you know, we are approaching the beginning of a new year. In the upcoming year we have a lot of work to do and we are going to need your help! Our first goal of the new year will be to take back our party and rebuild it without conceding anything to anyone. It is time we start to take charge our what is ours. It must start with us! As you have heard Al Gore say before, all political victories start at the grassroots level. Therefore, today I announce that I, Chris D. Jackson, the administrator of the Al Gore Support Center, endorse Donnie Fowler for DNC Chair.
Throughout his career, Donnie Fowler has achieved a leading role in political and high technology circles through his work in Silicon Valley and at the Federal Communications Commission, service in the Clinton White House, and work on six presidential campaigns. He has advised dozens of companies, policymakers, public advocacy groups, and political campaigns on how to manage their media, policy, business development, & technology agendas.
I have studied politics for a while now and I have yet to find anyone as young as Donnie with so much political experience. It is simply quite amazing! Only in his mid-thirties, he has been involved in the following campaigns:
Six Presidential Campaigns / Four Presidential Cycles
o Gephardt '87-'88, Jackson '88, Clinton/Gore '96, Gore/Lieberman '00 (National Field Director), Wesley Clark '03 (Campaign Manager), and Kerry/Edwards '04 (Michigan State Director)
Political and Campaign Work in Fourteen States on the Ground
o S.Carolina, Iowa, New Hampshire, Connecticut, West Virginia, Ohio, Michigan, Wyoming, California, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Virginia
You might be wondering, what is Donnie’s view on Former Vice President Al Gore? Well, I personally asked Donnie that and I found out that he loves the big guy just about as much as we do. In 2001, 2002, and 2003 Donnie spent his summers teaching at Mr. Gore’s Summer Academy in Nashville, which is a political effort to get young people involved in grassroots politics, for no pay. Before that Donnie served as Gore’s National Field Director in the 2000 election. I can say without hesitation that Donnie Fowler would not only give Mr. Gore the respect he commands, but the admiration he deserves.
Aside from having a vast record of political involvement and a fondness of Al Gore, Donnie also is worthy of you support because he has a real plan and vision for our party. Like you and I, he does not want to concede anything to the Republicans. Like you and I, he is tired of our party being falsely labeled, and like you and I, he is tired of our party not standing firm on what our party was founded on. If Donnie is elected DNC Chair in February, you can rest assure our party will be stronger and more unified than ever!
I hope that you will join me in early 2005 to help make Donnie Fowler our new chair, thus putting our party back on track for victories for years to come!
So, are you ready to help elect Donnie the new DNC Chair?
In order to spread the word about Donnie and his vision for our party, please do the following:
* Write a letter to several DNC members about his agenda for change
* Go to a political blogs and forums and say some good things about Donnie
* Make a contribution to his effort ( )
* Vote for him online at / and at any other online poll
* Tell others to watch Donnie on television and listen to him on the radio
* Talk to any DNC members you know and try to persuade them to vote Donnie!
We sincerely hope that you will help us on this very important endeavor. As you know, every election affects us and how we live. If we act now, we may just get what we have been wanting in 2008!
To visit Donnie's official website, please go to: Thank you and have a great new year!
Chris D. Jackson
Al Gore Support Center Administrator
Note: The Al Gore Support Center is a grassroots ran website that is dedicated to serving Al Gore by posting up to date news and info, providing interactive services, and having helpful material that is useful in defending Gore from the right wing and the media. The Al Gore Support Center's main goal is preserving and promoting the Gore vision for years to come in America. In an effort to do so, the Al Gore Support staff may endorse certain candidates for positions, draft petitions, as well use other methods as we see fit in order to try to preserve and promote Mr. Gore's vision for America. Let it be known that the Al Gore Support Center's staff endorsements, official releases, or any other idea or opinion expressed by our website, is not endorsed by Al Gore. Our group bears Mr. Gore's name because we are dedicated to him, believe in what he stands for and are proud of him. Let our name, "The Al Gore Support Center", have no bearing either way on the basis of Al Gore's opinion. The opinions expressed by our website are that of our staff and members, who also have no official endorsement or affiliation with Al Gore.
Again, please note:
The Al Gore Support Center is in no way endorsed or affiliated with the Honorable Al Gore.
The views and comments on this site are in no way reflective of that of the Honorable Al Gore.
Please help me out admin or mod! I never meant to cause any confusion or anything, and this will be the best thing to help ease it!