I say, PLEASE READ because I know that I'd get replies like, "and be like THEM??! NEVER!"
OK, let's take a look at how they're WINNING from an ABSTRACT view.
1) they're coordinated. How much do you see the in-fighting in the Republican party? Sure, you hear about that 'loose cannon' John McCain trashmouthing Rumsfeld, but THEY consider McCain a "LIBERAL". But I mean REAL dissent. Like the kind that "Democrat" Zell Miller gave at the Republican convention. Which Republican did WE have speaking at the Democratic convention trashing Bush?
What right-wing media strongly disagrees with another member of the right-wing media (eg: Fox news says Rush got it wrong, etc). Notice how on the Right no one disagrees with ANYTHING Limbaugh says, as if he's "middle of the road" or something...
They speak with ONE VOICE. They've agreed on the 'gameplan' and dissent is otherwise kept to a LOW ROAR, as opposed to the HIGH ROAR *HERE*.
Should we discourage dissent? No (err, did you READ that word?), even though I see a lot of that going on HERE.
It seems here at the DU, just SAY we should compromise on abortion, reach out to religious people, call ourselves "progressives" instead of the now-demonized word "liberal" and you'll be put down faster than a horse with two broken legs...
2) Frame the argument and everyone use THAT frame. "Class warfare", "tax and spend liberals", etc - these are FRAMES which one can not WIN against directly. They've created these frames and they ALL, top to bottom, use them.
good souce of info:
http://www.rockridgeinstitute.org/research/lakoff/howtorespond3) learn from THEM. (gasp!) Examples taken from thread starter msg:
1) Be STRONG - never back down.
2) When anything goes wrong it's the fault of the flawed neo-con philosophy.
3) Trash the rich either overtly or covertly OR let's make HEROS of the poor and the downtrodden.
If you're losing the game, I say, change the game plan.
A lot of you people remind me of gamblers who continue to play and bet MORE because they figure their luck's got to turn around...