The Cambor & May segment of CNN this morning was a new low for the GOP. I hope you freeper spies and GOP ops are taking notes and reporting back. This isn't "red state" America, these are human lives we're talking about. Cliff May couldn't help do what republicans do best...make it "all about me."
Cliff turned it into an embarrassing campaign diatribe; "I know that I and many other Americans are tired of being singled out by the hate America first crowd..." in regard to the amazing disappearing Bush, and the paltry aid pledge we've been humiliated in to offering, and went on to rail against the mean ol' UN and the rest of the world who should be helping.
If this is the mentally of "red state" America, I might be willing to believe Bush really won the election without cheating. But I don't believe that when faced with calamity like this, Americans in general are as cheap, disgusting, partisan and shallow and Cliff May.
You suck Cliff. Strap on some hip waders, go help out the relief effort, and SHUT THE FUCK UP.